Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Saturday the government will allow BNP to hold rally in that venue which the best. "As big rallies cannot be held in other places except Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital , the government has decided to give BNP permission for that venue," he added.
He said this in response to a journalist's question after inaugurating the 2nd Sheikh Kamal SAARC Snooker Championship in the capital. The government might be forced not to allow BNP to hold a rally anywhere in the capital, said Kamal.
The home minister said BNP requested for the Suhrawardy Udyan along with two other venues themselves and the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) commissioner also found it to be suitable.
"There are some Awami League programmes scheduled to be held there and after that BNP will be able to hold their rally," said Asaduzzaman. When asked about BNP leaders statement that the government will be forced to allow the rally in Paltan, he said the government has no obligation.
"No official permission has yet come for them to hold a rally in Paltan area," he added. When questioned whether BNP can hold the rally anywhere else the home minister said, "Where else such a huge gathering can be held? BNP requested for the venue in front of Parliament building but none can be allowed to hold a rally there".