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Bangladesh moves up 3 places in Global Firepower review

Staff Correspondent

Published: 11:44, 16 January 2024

Bangladesh moves up 3 places in Global Firepower review

Photo: Collected

Bangladesh is placed 37th in the annual Global Firepower Review 2024. Previously on 2023, the country had ranked 40th. Since then, the nation has moved up 3 ranks. Bangladesh is currently ranked fourth among South Asian countries in terms of military might.

Bangladesh is trailed by Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka, while India, Pakistan, and Myanmar are ahead. With a PowerIndex score of 0.0699, the US tops the list, followed by Russia, China, India, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan, Turkey, Pakistan, and Italy.

Bangladesh's neighboring countries include India in 4th place, Pakistan 9th place, Myanmar 35th place, Sri Lanka 75th place, and Nepal 128th place. Bhutan is in the last place (145th) with Power Index of 6.3704.

Every year, globalfirepower.com publishes a list of countries with military capacities, calculating a given nation's PowerIndex score based on over 60 individual factors ranging from the number of military units and financial standing to logistical capabilities and geography.

Messenger/Sun Yath