Dhaka,  Sunday
22 September 2024

ASEAN Dhaka committee provides flood relief donation

Messenger Online

Published: 11:28, 22 September 2024

Update: 12:01, 22 September 2024

ASEAN Dhaka committee provides flood relief donation

Photo : Collected

Ambassador of Thailand to Bangladesh, as Chair of the ASEAN Dhaka Committee (ADC), together with Ambassadors and officials from the embassies of ASEAN member countries in Dhaka— Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam— presented relief items to flood victims in Bangladesh through the Help Foundation.

The contribution included rice, lentils, cooking oil and red onions, with a total value of Tk 240,000.

This activity reflects the unity and solidarity of ASEAN member countries in providing humanitarian assistance to Bangladesh who is a friend in times of hardship and difficulty.

ADC is a mechanism among diplomatic missions of ASEAN Member States in a third country to promote closer cooperation between ASEAN and the host country as well as enhance awareness about ASEAN among the public.

The Chair of ASEAN rotates every six months. Major activities this year are the celebration of ASEAN Day and the exchange of views with the International Chamber of Commerce Bangladesh.

