Photo: Collected
Security forces at shopping malls and markets will now be able to carry out their duties to assist police and make arrests as well, said Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Sheikh Md Sazzat Ali today (8 March).
The DMP chief made the remarks during a press briefing at the DMP Media Centre in the capital this. He said markets and shopping malls in Dhaka city remain open late into the night during Ramadan and Eid. "Private security personnel assigned to residential areas, markets, and shopping malls will now work as an auxiliary police force."
"They have also been granted the authority to make arrests," he said. "These personnel have been appointed in line with The Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance," the DMP chief added.According to the ordinance, the police commissioner may appoint any person to be an auxiliary police-officer to assist the force on any occasion when he is of opinion that the force is in need of such assistance.
It says every auxiliary police-officer shall, on appointment receive a certificate in the form set out in Schedule II . They will have the same powers and immunities, be liable to perform the same duties, be amenable to the same penalties and be subject to the same authority as any other police-officer, as per the ordinance.