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Islami Bank is currently providing services to 25 million customers through 400 branches, 265 sub-branches, 2,783 agent banking outlets and 3,040 ATM/CRM booths. The Bank achived deposits of Tk 1 lakh 61 thousand crore which is Tk 8 thousand crore higher than previous year and have touched the milestone of investment Tk 1 lakh 59 thousand crore in 2024. Last year the Bank conducted imports, exports and remittances of Tk 64,782 crore, Tk 32,438 crore and Tk 66,017 crore respectively. Cellfin, the Bank’s digital banking app has around 46 lakh subscribers. The bank has facilitated micro-investments to 18 lakh families’ accross 34 thousand villages. This information was disclosed at the opening ceremony of the bank's 2-day long business development conference.
The conference started on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka. Obayed Ullah Al Masud, Chairman of the Bank inaugurated the conference as chief guest. Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director of the bank Presided over the conference. Mohammad Khurshid Wahab, Chairman, Executive Committee, Professor Dr. M. Masud Rahman, Chairman, Risk Management Committee, Md. Abdus Salam, FCA, FCS, Chairman, Audit Committee, Md. Abdul Jalil, Independent Director and Professor Dr. Mohammad Abdus Samad, Member Secretary, Shari`ah Supervisory Committee of the Bank attended the program as special guests. Md. Omar Faruk Khan, Additional Managing Director addressed the welcome speech while Md. Altaf Hossain, Additional Managing Director thanked the audience. Mohammad Jamal Uddin Mazumder, Additional Managing Director of the Bank was present at the time.
Obayed Ullah Al Masud, in his speech as chief guest said that Islami Bank is the number one bank of the country and a quarter of the country's total population is engaged with this bank directly or indirectly. Islami Bank is conducting banking operations across the country through a wide network of 6,500 units. 25 million customers and this vast network prove the popularity of this bank. He also mentioned that Islami Bank is working to improve the living standards of marginal communities through its Rural Development Scheme in 34,000 villages of the country. We want to spread this service to all 68,000 villages of the country. Since the change in national scenario on August 5, the Bank has collected about 9 lakh new customers and a fresh deposit of 13 thousand crore. Last year, the bank achieved a milestone by opening its 400th branch.
Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director, said that the contribution of Islami Bank to the country's economic development is innumerable. In 2024, Islami Bank has maintained its top position in all business indices overcoming number of challenges. It has collected the highest number of deposits in the country's banking sector. About 9 percent of the country's import-export trade is conducted through this bank. Remittance fighter expatriates have deposited a record amount of remittances in this bank, which is a quarter of the country's total remittances. Employment for about 1 crore people have been created through this bank.
Other speakers in the conference said that employees of this bank work with honesty and sincerity. It’s very rare umbrella under which so many honest & competent people are working in. They gave directions for achieving progress in remittance collection, investment and deposits. They called on everyone to work with the utmost professionalism to maintain the people's trust and confidence in Islami Bank.
Mahmudur Rahman, Md Rafiqul Islam, Muhammad Sayeed Ullah, K.M Munirul Alam Al-Mamoon, Dr M. Kamaluddin (Jasim) and Md Maksudur Rahman, Deputy Managing Directors, along with senior executives including heads of wings and divisions of the head office, zone heads of 16 zones and managers of 400 branches participated in the conference.