Photo : Messenger
Illegal extraction of sands from different points in the river Meghna and Tetulia have been going on unabated by groups of unscrupulous traders and political influential bypass using dredgers which threaten the continues erosion.
It is learnt that under the shadow of political influencers a group unscafulers sand traders have been lifting sands from Char Gazipur, and Kachia in the river Meghna, of Bhola sadar, char johir uddin and Hajipur of Daulatkhan, and different emerging Char area in the river Meghna of Monpura and Char areas in the river Tetulia of lalmohon upazila of Bhola district for long over last one decade with permission from the district administration.
Locals alleged that political hoodlums managed local administrations and police and lifts sands worth crore of taka from the different parts of the river Meghna and Tetulia by dredger and gathered them in different parts of the district and sent huge sands other parts of the country eachmonths.
It may be noted here that Bhola is a low stream area of the country and affected by erosion specially during the rainy seasion while water from the upper flown over the Bhola district and eroded huge cultivated land gone in to the river bed.
District and Upazila administrations sometimes conducted drives against illegal sand extraction. But later they sand lifters continuing their illegal work without any hinderness.
Deputy commissioner M. Arifuzzaman said that their action programme against illegal sand extraction is going on and it will continue fir future.