Photo : Collected
Superintendent of Police of Lakshmipur Mohammad Tarek bin Rashid has promised a job as a police constable for Tk 120. He said this to the Daily Messenger on Monday.
It is known that for the appointment of Trainee Recruit Constable (TRC) in Lakshmipur district, the preliminary selection for the post of police constable will be held on February 20, 22 and 23 from 8 am in the morning of the candidates who passed the preliminary screening at Lakshmipur Police Lines field. The District Superintendent of Police has been miking across the district for the past few days to prevent any financial transaction with anyone in the recruitment of police constables.
Also, the Superintendent of Police is campaigning extensively on social media. An article in this regard was posted on the Facebook ID of Lakshmipur District Police. It mentions that - action will be taken against both the givers and takers of unethical favors in connection with the appointment of constables as per existing laws. If a person is involved in any financial transaction in constable post, arrest and appointment will be cancelled.
No candidate shall be cheated by making financial transactions in connection with constable recruitment. If you get any information about scammers and brokers regarding recruitment, you are requested to inform the Superintendent of Police, Lakshmipur or Lakshmipur District Police Control Room (01320-112898) directly.
Superintendent of Police of Laxmipur Mohammad Tarek Bin Rashid said that a total of 44 constables will be appointed in Laxmipur. Among them, 37 male constables and 7 female constables will be appointed. This recruitment process will be completely transparent and complete on merit and merit basis.
The amount of Tk 120 prescribed by the government should be submitted through pay order along with the application form. Then on 20th February at Lakshmipur Police Line, the documents of all the applicants will be verified and on 22nd February after participating in the physical test, the written and oral test will be held.
The entire process will be completed on the basis of merit and eligibility subject to proof of physical fitness of the candidate. At this time, he insisted to make the people of the district aware that whoever gets a job will get a job for only 120 taka. There is no opportunity to do anything else. No suggestion or suggestion is acceptable in this regard.