Dhaka,  Saturday
22 February 2025

Dry chilies worth crores of Taka getting produced in Gaibandha

Taslimul Hasan Siam, Gaibandha 

Published: 14:07, 4 April 2024

Dry chilies worth crores of Taka getting produced in Gaibandha

Photo: Messenger

During the dry season, various varieties of chilies are cultivated on alluvial soil in the small and large sands that rise on the Brahmaputra. Because of the fertile soil and favorable climate for pepper cultivation, nearly hundreds of crores of Taka's worth of pepper is produced every year. Due to the huge demand in the local market, farmers are comparing dry chilies to 'red gold'.

According to the sources of the district agriculture department, among the seven upazilas of Gaibandha, the farmers of the Char area of Phulchari upazila are at the top in pepper production. In this upazila, 1 thousand 63 hectares of pepper have been planted in this season. Apart from this, 401 hectares in Saghata, 185 in Sadullapur, 154 in Sundarganj, 124 in Gobindganj, 51 in Palashbari and 47 hectares in Gaibandha Sadar Upazila have been cultivated. Most of these plantations are in grazing areas. A production target of 4 thousand 300 metric tons of dry chilies has been set from this.

Since 2004, the district's largest wholesale pepper market has been located in Ghazaria Union of Phulchari upazila. The demand for chili is more during the peak season from mid-February to April. At other times sales are lower.

According to the local farmers, various types of vegetables including maize, chilies, almonds and jute are produced in the sandy soil of the grasslands. Among them, chili is the dream crop of farmers. Chili cultivation is much profitable and the farmers here are inclined to produce it for several years. Compared to last year, chili has been cultivated on more land this year. Ripe chilies are already collected and dried from the trees and are being sold in the market.

Farmers said that the production of green chili costs 20 to 25 thousand per bigha. More than 50 maunds of chilies are produced in one bigha. From 50 maunds of green chilies, we can get 10 maunds of dry chilies after drying. Other expenses including labor for drying are about ten thousand taka. 10 maunds of dry chilies are being sold for 1 lakh 60 thousand taka. They earn about 1 lakh 25 thousand Taka excluding expenses.

Nayan, a trader at the chili market, said that the demand for chili is very high this year. The quality of chili in this market is good but the price is a little high. Nurul, the tenant of Phulchari Market, said that this is the famous market in Gaibandha. Both the buyers and sellers are happily trading here and also the government earns lakhs of Taka in revenue from this market.

Bajlur Rahman Mukta, the lessee of Phulchhari Haat, said that the haat is open from 7 am on Saturday and Tuesday. This time chili is being sold at the rate of 15 to 16 thousand taka per maund. Two and a half to three thousand maunds of dried chilies are sold in each haat. The market value of which is about 4 crore taka.

Gaibandha Deputy Director of the Agricultural Extension Directorate, Khorshed Alam said that half of the amount of chili cultivated in the whole district is produced in Phulchari upazila. The amount of chili cultivation is increasing day by day due to climate and fertile soil of fodder. Char people are also inclined towards chili cultivation. The Agriculture Department is providing all kinds of technical assistance to the farmers along with advice.
