Dhaka,  Saturday
22 February 2025

Extreme weather in Ishwardi increased public suffering 

Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent

Published: 19:32, 7 May 2024

Update: 19:34, 7 May 2024

Extreme weather in Ishwardi increased public suffering 

File Photo

The temperature of Ishwardi is increasing every year. Summer life is boring. Not only in summer, but also in winter, the weather here is extreme. At the lowest temperature, life becomes chaotic. 

On April 30, Ishwardi recorded the highest ever temperature of 43.2 degrees Celsius. On April 17, 2023, Ishwardi recorded a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius.

Along with intense heat waves, Ishwardi also has the lowest temperature record during the winter season. A minimum temperature of 4.9 degrees Celsius was recorded in Ishwardi on 8 January 2013. Why is the question of locals?

Among several reasons for such variation in temperature, meteorologists believe that winters are colder and summers are hotter, especially geographically. Meteorologists say the geographical location is important for Ishwardi's intense and very intense heat wave in summer and minimum temperature in cold wave in winter. 

The Tropic of Cancer has crossed the middle of Bangladesh. Ishwardi's position is below the line of Cancer. Therefore, the hottest temperatures in summer and the lowest temperatures in winter are recorded here.

Helal Uddin, officer-in-charge of Ishwardi Meteorological Office, said that mainly due to geographical reasons, the temperature in Ishwardi rises excessively in summer and goes to the lowest level in winter. Ishwardi's position is very much just below the line of Cancer. That's why the sun's rays spread great heat here. 

Apart from this, the temperature is increasing due to the reduction of vegetation in Ishwardi. Falling water table is also a major factor. Padma river silted up and dried up as well as swamps. If the wetlands are high, they can absorb the cold during the winter and reduce the cold. And during hot season moisture cannot be retained due to lack of wetlands. So it feels hotter.

Nazmul Haque Ranjan, Assistant Observer of Meteorological Office, said that heatwave has been going on in Ishwardi for the last 20 days. A moderate heat wave prevailed from April 13 to April 16. From April 17 to May 3, severe and very severe heat waves prevail. On April 30, the highest temperature in the history of Ishwardi was recorded at 43.2 degrees.

Locals said, there is no forest here. Officially, no importance has been given to social forestry. Upazila Forest Officer Ismail Hossain said that there is no government forest here. However, plantations have been done under the social forestry program of the government. Under social forestry, trees are planted on the slopes of roads, highways and railway lines as well as along rural roads.
