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22 February 2025

Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party leaders initiative Hydraulic horn control system

Saeid Pantho, Barisal

Published: 00:58, 26 May 2024

Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party leaders initiative Hydraulic horn control system

Photo : Messenger

Saturday (25 May ) a discussion meeting titled "Measures to Control Hydraulic Horns" was held at the Grand Park Southgate Conference Hall on Band Road in Barisal City.

The meeting was organized by the Multi-Party Advocacy Forum (MAF) composed of members from the Bangladesh Awami League, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and Jatiya Party, with support from Democracy International under the SPL project funded by USAID.

The excessive use of hydraulic horns in Barisal City has had a detrimental effect on the lives of citizens. The noise pollution caused by these horns has been linked to hearing loss, health risks for children, mental stress, and even increased mortality risk for individuals with weak hearts. In response to these concerns, the MAF organized this meeting to raise awareness and propose control measures for hydraulic horns.

The meeting was attended by leaders from the Bangladesh Awami League, BNP, and Jatiya Party, along with representatives from civil society, journalists, youth representatives, the BRTA, police, and local business associations. Key speakers included former Principal and educator S.M. Imranul Hakim; Police Inspector Bidyut Chandra De from Barisal Metropolitan Police; Debashish Biswas, Assistant Director of BRTA; Professor Humayun Kabir, Head of the Sociology Department at Brojomohun College; Advocate A.K.M. Murtuza Abedin, District Convenor of Jatiya Party; Kohinur Begum, Panel Mayor of Barisal City Corporation and General Secretary of Metropolitan Mahila League; Advocate Abul Kalam Shaheen, Secretary of BNP (South); cultural activist Saifur Rahman Miron; and Abdur Rahim, President of Bhatar Khal Shop Owners Association. The event was moderated by Dipu Hafizur Rahman, Deputy Director of Democracy International. Welcome remarks were given by MAF Secretary Advocate Mahmud Hossain Al-Mamun, and the meeting was chaired by MAF Convenor Md. Moazzem Hossain Talukder Chunnu.

At the start of the meeting, three young leaders from the three political parties presented a paper on the harmful effects of hydraulic horns, existing laws and fines, and suggested measures to curb their use. The paper noted that following a public interest litigation, the High Court banned the use of hydraulic horns in Dhaka on August 23, 2017, and extended the ban nationwide on November 5, 2017. Under the 1983 Motor Vehicle Act, Section 139, the use of prohibited horns, including hydraulic horns, incurs a fine of 100 Taka. The Noise Pollution (Control) Rules 2006 empower authorities to take action against noise pollution offenders.

Following the paper presentation, participants provided recommendations for controlling hydraulic horns from their respective positions. Recommendations included public awareness campaigns about existing laws, strict law enforcement, banning the import and sale of hydraulic horns, conducting mobile courts, educating drivers through their associations, police patrols at key points, and installing warning billboards.

The Multi-Party Advocacy Forum (MAF) in Barisal is composed of leaders from the Bangladesh Awami League, BNP, and Jatiya Party, aiming to advocate with relevant authorities to meet citizens' expectations.
