Photo: Collected
Overall flood situation in the chars and Brahmaputra river basin areas at eastern side of the flood control embankment in four upazilas of the district has deteriorated as the river was maintaining its rising trend on Thursday (4 July) morning. Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) sources said water level of the river rose by 66 cm in last 24 hours till 6 am today due to incessant rain and hilly waters from the upstream.
The river was flowing 56 cm above the danger level at Fulchharighat point of the district inundating low-lying areas and river basins along the western side of the river. With the sharp rise of water level in the river during the period, around 20,000 families of Sundarganj, Sadar, Fulchhari and Saghata upazilas have been marooned.
Many of the affected families have taken shelter on the flood control embankment with their belongings including domestic animals and poultry birds and were passing miserably days for shortage of the cow feed.
A number of villages of Saghata upazila have been flooded because a portion of flood control embankment at Shashanghat area in Bharatkhali union of the upazila has been washed away due to pressure of the flood water on Wednesday, said Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Isahaq Ali.
Mosharrof Hossain Sweet, Chairman of Saghata Union Parishad (UP) said 6 wards out of 9 came under water so far and the flood affected people are in trouble and sufferings due to scarcity of food and cow feed. In reply to a query, the UNO said dry foods have already been distributed to 150 flood victims of the upazila.
Necessary measures have been taken to distribute more dry food to the affected families of the upazila to mitigate their sufferings caused by the flood, he concluded.