Dhaka,  Sunday
06 October 2024

Feni RHD lingers four- lane work attract gobble money

Feni Correspondent

Published: 16:55, 7 July 2024

Feni RHD lingers four- lane work attract gobble money

Photo: Collected

The ongoing Feni-Noakhali four-lane highway project is set to linger on and gobble more money as it was revised. Newly allocated 36 core ,50 lakhs and  61 thousand 506 taka. Local people, businessmen and civil society alleged that RHD doesn’t complete at Pagachia under Mohipal –Noakhali four lane.

More money attracts. They claimed , no one come to monitoring.   

The new components include construction of bus bay, pc girder bridge, foot bridge and RCC drain slabs and culverts, utility shifting and surfacing, reconstruction of religious structure, graveyard and cremation centre shifting, among others.

Some newsmen of Feni district said, officials special Executive Engineer (Xen)  of Feni long time not found his office while other officials avoid us . Although we have published our newspaper they added.  

It is alleged , in Pachgaicha area no work, some areas road divider damage, Palli bidyut and PDB not remove their pillar.

Although Feni roads and highway Department however claimed, four lane in Feni side 100 percent complete. Despite, 4 year passed they could not to be finalized land acquisition, moza rate.

As a  result stopped to construction work. Pagachia source said, RHD linger for gobble money and top to bottom to engaged corruption. we are facing business due to incomplete here and worried when start business.  

When contact acting Deputy Divisional  Engineer of Feni RHD -1 Md. Abdul Batan told the newsmen that we have complete 100 percent work on Feni - Noakhali on going four -lane work, when attention on this highway near Pagachia no work,  even following side by side others work stopped ,  How can you said 100 percent complete ? He impolitely said, i am bound not say details, newsmen drew attention where your xen?  he can’t answer truly.

In another question drew his attention which moza link to the Pagachia, he say, actually i am not sure this Pachgachia affair .  

When contact another Deputy Executive Engineer of Feni RHD Md. Abdullah Al Mamun said, might have xen Binoy Kumer sir fall sick and other officials unknown about Feni –Noakhali four lane.

