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22 October 2024

Structural Failure

Tk 2 crore ’Mujib Killa’ crumbles before completion

Aditto Russel, Sirajganj 

Published: 09:34, 1 August 2024

Tk 2 crore ’Mujib Killa’ crumbles before completion

The partial collapse of ’Mujib Killa’ in the flood-prone Char area of Kazipur, Sirajganj, has raised concerns that the entire structure could be swept away if the water level of the Jamuna continues to rise. Photo: Messenger 

To ensure the safety of people and their possessions in the flood-prone Char area of Kazipur, Sirajganj, the Disaster Management Department is constructing the 'Mujib Killa'. This project, which was slated for completion by July, suffered a setback on July 5th when a section of the structure succumbed to the powerful currents of the Jamuna River.
The Mujib Killa, a protective embankment being built at a cost of over 2 crore taka, is located in the Salal and Char-Douglas areas of Char-Girish Union. The foundation stone was laid by the local Member of Parliament, Engineer Tanvir Shakil Joy, on December 4, 2022. The contractor firm Sajib Construction has been tasked with the implementation of this project. However, the unexpected collapse on July 5th has raised concerns that the entire structure could be swept away if the water level continues to rise.

Residents of the Char area have voiced skepticism about the durability of the Mujib Killa, which was designed to shield them from natural calamities such as cyclones and river erosion. Despite the substantial investment, the premature collapse has led to doubts about the integrity of the construction.

The closure of a culvert on the eastern side of the Mujib Killa, which was sealed off two years ago to establish the Douglas-Vetua Primary School, has been cited as a contributing factor to the collapse. Shahjahan Ali, the headteacher of the school, which has been relocated five times due to the Jamuna River's erosion, mentioned that the new structure built on unstable soil began to crumble as the soil eroded.

The District Relief and Rehabilitation Office has described the Mujib Killa as a B-type structure covering 9,300 square feet. The project aims to protect lives and property during disasters and serve various community functions in non-disaster times.

Project Director Monowar Hossain has announced the formation of a three-member technical committee to evaluate the structure's stability. The committee is scheduled to visit the site next month and will submit a report to inform further decisions. He attributed the incident to the culvert's closure and the impact of the Jamuna River's erosion on the new construction.

Engineer Ripon Mia from Sajib Construction explained that pillars were raised from one foot below the main soil level, but the strong currents washed away the soil, leading to the collapse. He confirmed that over 80% of the work has been completed.

Char-Girish Union Council Chairman Ziaul Haque suggested that raising the pillars from the main soil level could have prevented the collapse, even with the loss of new soil. He emphasized the benefits the Mujib Killa will bring to the residents of Salal, Char Douglas, Vetua, and Sindurata during disasters.

Kazipur Upazila Project Implementation Officer AKM Shah Alam Molla detailed the facility's disaster preparedness features, including housing for cattle, goats, and people, as well as sanitation facilities with separate accommodations for women and the disabled. Following the partial collapse, the project director has inspected the site and formed a committee to assess the situation. Appropriate actions will be taken based on their findings.
