Dhaka,  Wednesday
12 March 2025

Bhola Char lands are full of green vegetables which make self sufficient thousands of farmers

Bhola correspondent

Published: 14:43, 29 January 2025

Bhola Char lands are full of green vegetables which make self sufficient thousands of farmers

Photo: Messenger 

Thousands of erosion affected homeless people of Bhola district have been getting way of ray of financial institutions self sufficient for survive by growing various kinds of vegetables in emerging char lands in the river Meghna for last few years.

Sources said that about 12 unions of  Bhola district were totally eroded in to the river bed of Meghna and Tetulia during the last 60 years. While over one lakh families were became home and landless in these unions. The unions are Ilisha, Gajupur, Kachia, Majher char  and Rajapur of Bhola Sadar, Bhabanipur, Hajipur syed pur, and Madanpur and Modhupur char of Daulatkhan upazila, Sonapur and achandpur union of Tajum uddin upazila, Mongol Sikder and Loardherdinge union of Lalmohon upazila,They are thousands of acres of land have been emerged in the river bed of Meghna and Tetulia during the last 10 to 15 years which were affected erosion and  devoured in to the  river during last 25 to 60 years ago.

About 20 Charlands were emerged in the river Meghna and Tetulia and in the coastal areas of the Bay during the last 10 to 20 years. Where thousands of people took shelter and most of the charlands were brought under the crops cultivation programme.

During a recent visit in Majher char it is found a vast tract lands are green green and green due to dense vegetables lands. Which attracted the visitors and charm their eyes.

About five thousands hectares of land were brought under different varieties of vegetables in Majher char, Modhupur and Bholar char in the current seasion.
During a recent visit in the Majher char it is found that  the farmers are busy to harvesting various kinds of vegetables likes capsicum, brinjal, cucumber,  korola, and rekha.

One Abdul Malek a vegetables grower told this correspondent that he cultivated vegetables in this char land for last six years and financially benefited. He added that most of the vegetables in this char land sent to Dhaka, Barishal and Chattogram following  to easy transportation facilities. 

Another farmer Abul Kalam said that he cultivated vegetables including squash, capsicum and cucumber  on two acres of land and sold product over tk two lakh.

While contacted Hasan warisul kabir Deputy director of Agriculture extension Bhola district office said that a total 9125 hectares of land were brought under vegetables cultivation in this district this year. Off them five thousand acres in char land. He added that DAE provided training and high seeds and fertilizer for gear up of the farmers in grass root level.

