Dhaka,  Tuesday
04 March 2025

Absenteeism makes healthcare rickety

Among 8 doctors, 5 on recreational leave without applications

Mohiuddin Al Azad, Chandpur

Published: 04:21, 1 May 2023

Absenteeism makes healthcare rickety

Photo: TDM

Chandpur's Hajiganj Upazila Health Complex is the only reliable health care center for over 3.5 lakh local people of low income and middle-class families. According to the statistics department of this government run hospital, there are currently 29 posts of doctors in this hospital.

In the recent years, 14 physicians have been working at this center. Six among the 14 are on their leave with official orders. However, recently five doctors including the Residential Medical Officer (RMO) went for recreational leave without concern of the authority. They even didn’t submit leave applications for such absence from workplace. They remained absent from office since Friday night (28 April).
This correspondent visited the government run hospital on Saturday and Sunday. He found that only three physicians among the eight doctors are available at the hospital for providing health care.

Earlier, two physicians are on deputation to another hospital. Gynecologist Dr. Sabrina Qadir left after one month of her joining. This post has been vacant for more than a year.

This correspondent found that gynecology, orthopedics and eye specialist were absent at this hospital. Everyday 500 to 700 patients come to the outdoor department of the hospital for treatment.

Many patients have to rush to the private clinic without getting medical care in this hospital.

In such a situation, the upazila health complex authorities has  demanded the intervention of the higher authorities regarding various irregularities including acute shortage of doctors.

Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Golam Md. Naim and Resident Medical Officer (RMO) Dr. Jamal Uddin along with five doctors are spending their vacation without taking leave from the higher authorities.

Besides, six more people are already on leave. Upazila Health and Family Planning and RMO could not find them from long ago.

On Saturday (April 29) from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm this correspondent stayed at the hospital and saw many patients came for treatment in the outdoor department. Number of male and female patients  would be 500 to 600. Only three doctors were found at their workplace after visiting the whole hospital. One otolaryngologist, one female and one male doctor were available there.

Arman, a young man who came for treatment at the outdoor department with a broken arm, said, “I bought a ticket for 10 taka and hope to visit the doctor. But there is no doctor in this department of orthopedics. May be other doctors would treated me.’’
About 25 people are admitted in the 50-bed hospital. Most of these patients are women.

Halima Begum, a patient under treatment from Taralia village of the upazila, said that the food provided by the hospital are substandard and not edible. You have to collect food from outside shop and restaurants. Many patients and their attendances who eat from this hospital are enduring metabolic disorder.’’

Tahmina Begum, a patient from Alipur of the same upazila, said that those who come to provide treatment are nurses or do not understand treatment as well. However, since morning to noon, only one person came to give treatment wearing a burqa.’’

Anjuma Begum, a patient in the municipal area, said no one here can say which doctor gives treatment. Anjuma's father Omar Ali said, no government medicine is available from this hospital. All medicines have to be bought from outside.

Over the mobile phone, resident Medical Officer (RMO) of the hospital Dr. Jamal Uddin Mutho said he is on leave. He has tried his best to keep the internal environment of the hospital beautiful. He has joined here for a year. Cleaning staff do not work properly. Due to which there are scattered garbage . However, they have no fault in providing medical services at the hospital.

Over the phone, Upazila health and family planning officer Dr. Golam Naim said, “the issue of not taking leave application is not correct. Five doctors cannot absent without taking leave. 5 of us and 6 others are on vacation. However, there will be 13 doctors to provide services today (April 30).’’

He also said that there is a shortage of doctors in the hospital for many years. We have written to higher authorities. Cleaning workers have not been paid for a long time. There is no recruitment for this position. Many patients come here every day. But it is not clear that the treatments are not provided in this hospital.’’

Several phone calls make to Chandpur civil surgeon Dr. Mohammad Shahadat Hossain's official mobile number but didn’t responding. It was not possible to speak as he did not answer the phone.