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Teen gangs in Feni: A growing threat

Messenger Online

Published: 15:33, 4 March 2024

Teen gangs in Feni: A growing threat

Photo : Collected

The sprouting teen gangs have emerged as a major concern in the capital and other cities and towns of the country, and Feni town is no exception.

These misguided teens involved in theft, hijacking, drug abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, and murder, allegedly with the backing of local political leaders and public representatives, are now a new threat to society.

Locals allege that local political leaders patronize the teens to establish dominance, grab properties, and threaten opposition political activists.

‘Koshai’, ‘Himil’, ‘Shano’, ‘JK’, 'Pintu', and ‘Chakma Javed’ are among the 10 gangs of the district infamous for their crimes that have been extended even to the unions from the district town.

Talking to UNB, some guardians expressed their worries over the dreadful offenses committed by the teen gangs and the future of their children, as the deteriorating social environment due to the gang activities has made it difficult for them to keep their children aloof from their influence.

On Thursday (29 February), police arrested three ‘SDK’ group members, including their leader, for their involvement in various crimes, including the trade and buse of drugs, snatching, extortion, stalking, threatening people for extortion, showing arms, and clashing with rival groups.

Preferring anonymity, a SDK group member said,” If the ‘leaders’ need them, they inform the ‘big brother’ who completes the operations involving teen gang members, and they get money in exchange.”

A police official who preferred not to be named said if the teen gang members are arrested, they get phone calls from ‘big brothers’ or ‘leaders’ seeking their release.

These gang members regularly stalk college and school girls in front of Feni Girls’ School, Feno Women’s College, Zia Women’s College, and some other schools and colleges, according to some students and their guardians.

Some recent incidents involving teen gangs, including the stalking of a girl by a Chhatra League leader at Panchgachia Government School and the death of a boy named Sajeeb at Nurullapur village in Joylashkar Union following an attack by a teen gang, have created outcry on social media.

Recently, a video on the torture of a student at Feni Model High School and harassment by ‘FCB gang’ members went viral, and the victim’s mother filed a case with the Feni Model police station, accusing 11 people. Police arrested three teens in this connection during a drive.

Wajiullah, a resident of the Police Quarters area, said many shop owners keep their shops shut, fearing harassment by the teen gang members.

Feni police super Jakir Hossain said police are working relentlessly to stop the teen gang activities.

However, he stressed the need for raising awareness among guardians to prevent children from being involved in such activities.

