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ACC files cases against PGCB officials

Nazrul Islam

Published: 02:43, 31 October 2023

ACC files cases against PGCB officials

Photo : Messenger

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has initiated legal proceedings against two leaders of the Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) at the state-owned Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) for alleged misuse of their authority and the improper use of vehicles designated for official purposes. 
The accused individuals in question are Nurul Amin and Nazrul Islam.

ACC Deputy Director Bayezidur Rahman Khan has taken the initiative to file two separate cases at the Integrated District Office (Dhaka-1) on a recent Monday.

The cases revolve around the purported actions of Nurul Amin, former senior accouts assistant, and the General Secretary of the CBA's organization known as PGCB Sramik Karmochari League. 

It is alleged that Nurul Amin's misuse of authority led to financial losses for PGCB. 

During his tenure as the General Secretary of PGCB Sramik Karmochari League, spanning from 2014 to 2017, Nurul Amin exercised significant control over the organization.

Regrettably, he leveraged his position to misuse a PGCB vehicle (bearing the registration number Dhaka Metro GH 13-6275) designated for official purposes for his personal benefit. This misconduct resulted in a financial loss of Tk 5 lakh, 40 thousand, and 930 for PGCB.

Furthermore, another individual implicated in these cases is Nazrul Islam, who serves as an office assistant and holds the position of General Secretary within the CBA's organization, PGCB Sramik Kormochari League. 

Nazrul Islam is accused of abusing his authority, leading to financial losses for PGCB by similarly utilizing a PGCB vehicle intended for official tasks for personal use. 

His term as General Secretary of PGCB Sramik Kormochari League covered the period from 2018 to 2020, during which he exerted influence within the organization. 

Unfortunately, he leveraged his authority to utilize PGCB's Dhaka Metro GH 13-6275 vehicle for personal purposes, resulting in a financial loss of Tk 3 lakh 15 thousand 465 for PGCB. 

Notably, Nazrul Islam currently holds the position of a junior assistant manager at PGCB's head office.

Two cases have been filed against both individuals under Section 409 of the Penal Code of 1860 and Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act No. 2 of 1947.
