Dhaka,  Friday
14 March 2025

Meeting Readers’ Demand Ultimate Objective

Editor, The Daily Messenger

Published: 09:44, 22 March 2024

Meeting Readers’ Demand Ultimate Objective

Photo : Messenger

The Daily Messenger began its journey with the ideals and goals as the mirror of society and we have not wavered from those at all. Amidst a sea of news, we have taken the responsibility of selecting and delivering to readers the ones that are substantive and important for the country. The journalists associated with The Daily Messenger have carried out this responsibility with integrity and sincerity.

A newspaper is called the literature of speed. In this era of information technology, the speed is even faster than the clock’s marker of seconds! Readers these days finish reading news even before the items are printed in the newspaper. And the number of such news is the highest. So, when such news is printed directly in the newspaper, the readership decreases. If any news outlet can bring out the compass of research along with the news behind the news, it will be the readers’ delight. In this journey of one year, The Daily Messenger tried useful news to place before the readers. And in response to the demand of the era, the journey started from the day one (21 March 2023). The pages of the newspaper and the colourful curtains of television are now printed on the eyes of viewers and readers through the popular social media platforms like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube. Any success leads to the addition to further responsibility. Hence, The Daily Messenger is committed to playing even a further responsible role in the future.

We always attempted to present news like news. The essence of our news gained importance in its presentation; no party, group or individual emerged as major contenders. Impartial journalism maintaining objectivity has always been the motto of The Daily Messenger.

The policy of journalistic ethics and morality have always endeared our readers towards mindful content. They have warmly embraced our sincere efforts and encouraged them with their feedback. As a result, loyalty on part of the readers has increased significantly within the small span of 12 months. New categories of readers have emerged, especially among the students in schools, colleges and universities, who find this English daily newspaper available at an affordable price (Tk 5 only) to be a welcome addition.

At this crucial juncture of our first anniversary, it must be acknowledged that a number of competent journalists have joined this house since the beginning of journey. Additionally, we welcome a new bunch of skilled professionals who have joined us only recently.

In anniversary celebrations, we acknowledge the spontaneous and encouraging roles of the patrons, owners and authorities concerned for the gains and progresses this newspaper has made as of now. The journalists in this house have been able to write freely here, knowing that they have support from their employers. As a result, readers have been able to get credible pieces.
