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22 February 2025

Necessary to be strict in stopping Auto rickshaws

Editor, The Daily Messenger

Published: 08:34, 12 May 2024

Necessary to be strict in stopping Auto rickshaws

Photo: Collected

Auto-rickshaws, also known as three-wheelers, are creating problems in the capital every day. These illegal vehicles have been running for years, ignoring the court's instructions. Although the campaign to ban Auto-rickshaws continues, the number of these vehicles is increasing day by day in the capital. These illegal vehicles often cause accidents and loss of life. If the problem is not acted upon quickly, it can spiral out of control. During the day these vehicles move in different golis in the capital but after 9 pm they move on the main road. Police say that regular operations are conducted against Auto-rickshaws. The question is, why is the initiative not taken to bring the garage owners under the law in the garages where rickshaws are kept and charged?

It is known that Auto-rickshaws run in the capital in exchange of tokens. A powerful syndicate is active behind these illegal vehicles. It is alleged that local leaders of the ruling party, police and extortionists are connected with this syndicate. The drivers of the vehicles say that they regularly drive these vehicles with tokens. According to a study, 20 percent of the people who die in road accidents every year are due to these vehicles. According to experts, the authorities should be strict to prevent this dangerous vehicle from movement in the capital. There is scope for negotiation in case of accidents due to authorised vehicles. But if there is an accident due to illegal vehicles, there is no scope for negotiation. At present, even during the power crisis, why is the authority not paying attention to the fact that so much electricity is being wasted every day behind the vehicles? If the authorities are indifferent to the network of extortion that has developed around battery-powered rickshaws, new networks of extortion will develop.

Standard public transport system has not been developed in any district outside the capital. Auto-rickshaws are meeting this demand. However, due to such vehicles, road accidents are increasing in the country. Auto-rickshaws moving outside the capital should be upgraded and made suitable for road use.
