Dhaka,  Sunday
08 September 2024

Now give peace a chance

Editor, The Daily Messenger

Published: 10:42, 12 July 2024

Now give peace a chance

Photo : Collected

Since the dawn of history, after waging thousands of wars by warlords across the globe, the realisation finally dawned on people that war cannot solve any problem. In reality, war causes massive bloodshed and destruction and it only concludes in the loss of life and property.
Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while on a trip to Moscow, told Russian President Vladimir Putin that "war cannot solve problems" and urged him to put efforts on establishing peace. He shared his thoughts at a time when Russia and Ukraine were locked in warfare for the last two years, with no sign of it ending soon.

Interesting to note that at one stage, Modi told Putin that when innocent children are murdered, the heart pains and that pain is unbearable. He further said that solutions to conflicts and peace talks cannot be held among bombs, guns and bullets. He laid emphasis on finding a way to peace through dialogue. In the end, Modi claims the talks were productive, which will pave the way towards diversifying India-Russia cooperation in sectors such as trade, commerce, security, agriculture, technology and innovation. In his turn, President Putin hailed India and Russia’s very long-standing friendship and said they enjoy a specially privileged, strategic partnership. 

History tells us that no war has been productive in the long run. The war between US and Afghanistan was held for more than a decade but ended in human and economic loss for both the countries. During World War II, America used nuclear weapons against Japan; consequently, thousands of people died. The 6-year-long war saw millions dead and millions of homes destroyed. The 12-year-long Vietnam War only took the lives of thousands of young men and women on both sides but gave nothing in return. Similarly, we see many Arab and Gulf countries getting totally destroyed in major wars by modern weapons. It has been said very aptly by Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one won the last war and no one will win the next.”

We hope the words of Narendra Modi will resonate across the globe and help create greater awareness among the war promoters. Since all wars are lost, give peace a chance.

