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Book on “Essentials of Internet Banking” Unveiled at CUB

Messenger Online

Published: 12:20, 3 January 2024

Book on “Essentials of Internet Banking” Unveiled at CUB

Photo : Courtesy

The unveiling ceremony of the book “Essentials of Internet Banking” was held on 3rd January 2024 at the auditorium of the Canadian University of Bangladesh. Which has already unveiled in Malaysia and considered as their textbook. 

Mosharraf Hossain Khan, EVP and Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO), Padma Bank Limited was present on the occasion. The esteemed guest during his speech emphasized the importance of the security of digital banking, stating, “Even your OTP can be hacked”. In an address to the students, they should be proud of their faculty members, who have liked this author.

The book was written by Dr. Mohammad Ridhwanul Haq, Professor, IBA, University of Dhaka; Senior Advisor, BoT, CUB  and Benazir Rahman, Asst. Professor and Coordinator, School of Business, Canadian University of Bangladesh. Mr. Haq discussed the content of the books, in his address, he said that the book unveiling program is a milestone for CUB faculties and also prestigious achievements for the Canadian University of Bangladesh.  

Among the other three esteemed authors of the book, the first author Syed Shah Alam, a Renowned Professor in Malaysia and Mr. Zou Ziaoheng from China is important of them.

Prof. Dr. Gias U Ahsan, Pro-Vice Chancellor was also present at the occasion. The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Prof. Dr. H M Jahirul Haque, Vice Chancellor of the Canadian University of Bangladesh.

Professor S.M. Arifuzzaman, Head of the Department of the Business School of CUB delivered the address of welcome. Benazir Rahman, Asst. Professor and Coordinator, School of Business, CUB gave the vote of thanks. Mrs Rahman said, ‘It is worth mentioning that the book “Essentials of Internet Banking” will be an aid to address many queries of readers about Internet banking.

A good number of participants including faculty members, and students of CUB took part in the program. 
