Photo: Messenger
The university halls will organize an iftar and dinner for all resident and non-resident students on March 26, according to the demands of general students of Khulna University.
The decision came after students talked with the university provost council committee. At first, only students were residents going to be invited to the dinner and ifter. However after students asked for everyone to be included, the provost council committee initially agreed with the students' demands.
Afterward, students apply to the Provost Council. In their application, students stated that the university's banquets and iftars are exclusively for resident students, which is creating discrimination among the students, so according to the opinion of all the general students of the university, the banquets organized on special days including the banquets on 26th March should be open to all the students of the university. It will increase harmony by eliminating discrimination among students.
Moniruzzaman Riyad, student of business administration discipline, said that we all do not get the opportunity to stay together in the halls, so there is a disparity between resident students and non-resident students. On special days two-three good meals are always organized in the halls, but non-resident students don't get the rights. However, we are happy that, in response to our request, every Student will be attending this year's banquet.
The banquet on March 26 has been organized for all the students of the university, said Professor Dr. Rameshwar Debnath, President of the Provost Council. To facilitate our organizing, we kindly requested that students collect the coupons within the allotted period.