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18 October 2024

Bangabandhu’s Enduring Legacy

PM paves way for BD’s global role and transformation

Published: 16:52, 27 November 2023

Update: 09:06, 28 November 2023

PM paves way for BD’s global role and transformation

Photo: Messenger

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman singlehandedly gelled and mobilized the whole nation of 75 million for Bangladesh’s independence in 1971. He is both a noun and a verb. He is the DNA of Bangladesh and like DNA his mindset instructs what is needed for Bangladesh to develop, survive, and replenish through equity, humanity, and justice for all. When one looks at Bangladesh after fifty some years, one can see it has transcended from poverty to middle income country, with an eye to become developed country by 2041 by some account, that is only twenty short years from now. That was possible for the able leadership of his daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina implementing Bangabandhu’s vision and policy guidelines. Along with economic growth, technological excellence, elimination of militancy, nonalignment positioning, and most importantly, her resolute steps for eliminating poverty deserve special mention. Now, Bangladesh is cited as a role model in poverty alleviation, women empowerment, climate change management, among others. By my estimate Bangladesh will gallop to a trillion dollar in next 12 years with 6% unabated growth.

The core of Bangabandhu’s mindset is motivated by what Bangabandhu wrote, and I quote, “As a man, what concerns mankind concerns me. As a Bengalee, I am deeply involved in all that concerns Bengalees. This abiding involvement is born of and nourished by love, enduring love, which gives meaning to my politics and to my very being." On the international front his foreign policy vision Bandhutva – friendship towards all and malice towards none guides Bangladesh’s foreign policy. Bangladesh’s iconic and immeasurable hospitable response to the Rohingya refugee crisis, the role of Bangladesh military in UN peacekeeping forces, Bangladesh’s success story of industrial and environmental compliance in the ready-made garments sector, continuous promotion of nonalignment are some notables in this front. Bangabandhu has remained and will remain a beacon, a lighthouse, inspiring and leading Bangladesh to newer heights in the age of digital disruption, nuclear power, and space tech.

As long as love and loving exists, Bangabandhu’s mindset will continue not only in his motherland but in the world. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen writes (and I quote), “Bangabandhu’s powerful diagnostic criterion about not making political use of religion has very extensive relevance today. Since it is important for the world — not just for Bengal — Bangabandhu can also be seen as ‘Bishwabandhu’, friend of the world.”

The present world is progressing phenomenally using science and technology. Bangabandhu wanted an education system through which the youth of the country could be properly and relevantly educated right from the start and become proficient in technology and innovation. So Bangabandhu formed an independent Modern Education Commission on 26 July 1972 under the leadership of Dr. Kudrat-i-Khuda.

Friedrich Hayek, the greatest free market proponent of modern times, rightly said, “Financial markets are the only legitimate, reliably welfare-enhancing basis for a stable social order and economic progress.” For that purpose, Bangladesh fintech has reached a new height in the implementation of Smart Bangladesh. Fintech ecosystem will bring expected growth and sustainable development. Fintech and Artificial Intelligence could add $20 trillion to global GDP by 2030.

Bangabandhu is the name of a legend who dreamt of a hunger and poverty-free prosperous country. His actions changed the world forever. Now it is the turn of his eldest daughter to change the world with Bishwabandhu’s Bandhutva. Today’s expected victory of Prime Minster Hasina will renew Bangabandhu and Bishwabandhu’s ideals in our mindset especially, that of our younger generations, inspiring them to learn human values and love for their own nation and the world. This will also afford them an opportunity to learn the significance and spirit of the War of Liberation from the life and struggle of Bangabandhu. Bishwabondhu’s Bandhutva is critically relevant given the expanded role of Bangladesh in Indo Pacific corridor and Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as one of the important regional players in promoting security, connectivity, and shared prosperity. On 24 April 2023, in a Town Hall meeting in US Embassy in Dhaka, Ambassador Peter Haas lauded Bangladesh having demonstrated mastery in securing four superpowers’ engagement in Bangladesh. A Great testimony for the leadership and sagacity of Honorable Prime Minister! In the current game of chess, we need to understand that visa restrictions were imposed where a message was delivered to India to shape its ship of influence on other South Asian countries and make amend for losing Sri Lanka and Nepal from the group.

Bangladesh is now a natural partner to both India and USA. We need to work with them with an eye to garnering a new block of influence. When the smokescreen disappears, it will be apparent that AL will win this election without any negative interference of the elephant in the room.

I want to end my note by addressing the father, the immortal Bangabandhu, directly with some lines from Kobi Guru Rabindranath paying my deepest homage to the architect of Bangladesh and indomitable savior of dispossessed - locally and globally.

Let me recite the original version in Bangla followed by English so that relevant connection is established.

Where the mind is led forward by thee

Into ever-widening thought, action, and joy

My Father, wake my country into that heaven of freedom.

Joy Bangabandhu, Joy Bishwabandhu, Joy Bangla.


The writer is Professor of Finance, Saint Xavier University, Chicago, USA
