Dhaka,  Monday
10 March 2025

No vote for felons and their mango-twigs in Bangladesh!

Published: 03:58, 6 January 2024

No vote for felons and their mango-twigs in Bangladesh!

Photo : Messenger

We should flatly say no vote is for the felons and their mango-twigs in the forthcoming 12th general elections in Bangladesh scheduled to be held on 7 January 2024, because if we flush back into our past roughshod episode of the 1971 war with Pakistan’s scallywag military regime, many things peep into our minds.

Islam is our Holy religion in Bangladesh. Payjama, Punjabi, Cap and Beard are all symbols of our highest respect and when we see all these valuable, noble and distinguishing features of personal nature in any human being, an inner feeling of high regard automatically arises in our hearts towards the person. And this is quite natural for Muslims like us.

But if some people use our Holy religion-Islam to achieve their ugly means and wears the above Muslim dresses; and keep beards to camouflage them from committing their grave misdeeds and sins, like mass killing, genocide, blazing, looting, raping and the likes, will you keep silent against them? Will you accept when these culprits give us Islamic sermons in the media, in the public meetings and even in our Holy Mosques? Will you accept them as a political party to contest any elections in Bangladesh?

I am talking about the war criminals belonging to Jamaat-e-Islami and some other smaller political parties - once their leaders were veteran freedom fighters in 1971 and now turned into new-fangled anti-Bangladesh liberation forces being financed by Jamaat-e-Islami mass-murderers or surrendered unashamedly to the feet of Pakistan’s dreaded spy agency – ISI and Jamaat-e-Islami by getting huge money from them. Their frontline musician is Jamaat-e-BNP being supported by Uncle Sam whom we defeated in 1971 and created our own homeland - Bangladesh.

Whatever grave crimes these griffins committed to our people during our glorious Liberation War in 1971, they did use the name of our holy religion Islam. During that time, they boastfully declared that Pakistan is the holy place of Islam. Look at their foul utterance and audacity! Only these types of third rater of highwaymen could only pronounce so much lie. More than 5 decades, a very long time, have gone by, by this time; we see that all war criminals have been resorting to deception time and again to the lowest ebb. BNP is now their true cronies! Fie on them!!

If we hark back, these evildoers insulted our Holy Religion and our most revered Nabiji’s (SM) Sunnat during our Liberation War in 1971 and they did never feel to express any remorse for the grave misdeeds they committed to our millions of people in 1971. Are they human beings? Definitely not! They are sub-humans or griffins; and the worst type of war criminals! In 1971 and these criminals slaughtered our people pronouncing in a louder voice “Naray-e-Takbir, Allahu Akbar, Pakistan Zindabad. Pakistan is the holy place of Islam.” They then slaughtered our innocent people and did never allow the murdered bodies of those innocent people for burial. Instead, they enthusiastically allowed the dogs, jackals, vultures and other human flesh eaters to eat those dead bodies. Thus, they displayed a “shocking disregard for civilian lives”. Look at their magnitude of barbarous acts! Can anyone pardon them for the cruelties in the highest form they did to us?

To deliberately dishonour our glorious red-green national flag, the supreme sacrifices of our three millions of people, disregarding the molestation of three hundred thousand of our honourable mothers and sisters and the country – Bangladesh, which was achieved through a sea of blood-bath, the black-spectacled General Zia, a vile man picked up the notorious ant-liberation forces and made them senior leaders of his party. He also made some of them as Prime Minister, full Cabinet Ministers, half Ministers, and quarter Ministers and rehabilitated them cheerfully to everywhere of the country.

But the bare truth is that this was not, at all, required by him. There were so many pro-liberation political leaders and intellectuals and he could have taken them and the country could have been run rightfully based on the spirit of our glorious Liberation War and its core values. In the present days, high magnitude of political acrimony has not come to such a point of no return among the political parties had he not walked up the back-ward path like the ghosts and goblins. And Bangladesh politics would not have gone astray to such a notorious scale.

Roguish General Ershad has truly followed the skullduggeries of wicked General Zia and made some brutal murderers of our people in 1971 as his full cabinet Ministers, half Ministers and quarter Ministers only to demean and belittle our glorious Independence War, our prideful national flag and what not.

Another time, BNP and its chief Begum Khaleda Zia with her depraved politics toed the branded tails of two military dictator political villains’ dirty politics with more vigour to pompon those war criminals to further reinforce their unbounded audacities to dishonor us.

In any case, the war criminals should be crushed to ashes so there would be no single scion of them for the sake of well-being of the people of Bangladesh. We must destroy completely this bunch of psychopathic murderers and their scions from this sacred soil. As these are not human beings, they are cruel and bitter enemies of mankind, humanity, religion-Islam… There is no moral equivalence between the Pakistani Military devils and the war criminals of Bangladesh. We also see that there is no moral equivalence between the Pakistani Military devils and their despicable cohorts like Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) goons, Gen Zia & his party leaders, Toby Cadman, LA Carlile, Dr. Ghumdi, David Bergman... their mango-twigs and their present day dreaded Jamaat-e-BNP, terrible Hefazat, direful Chormonai cooperators.

According to Robin Marantz Henig, “The English language has 112 words for deception, according to one count, each with a different shade of meaning: collusion, fakery, malingering, self-deception, confabulation, prevarication, exaggeration, denial” and these cruel griffins possess all such disgusting wickedness and immorality in their souls and they acted or act accordingly to achieve their cruel goals. Everything about them is manipulation, and lies. Everything is 'Wag the Dog.' Everything is a structured deception in them.

Execution of each war criminal commemorates the sacrifice of Bengalis who have died in war. It helps us remember and understand through maintaining the roll of honour and conducting national commemorative ceremonies. We can read out a few lines of the poet M. Michael which are germane to the context of the felons and their mango-twigs in Bangladesh:

“We cherish too, the Poppy red

That grows on fields where valor led

It seems to signal to the skies

That blood of heroes never dies

The felons should not be allowed to vote

And no vote for the felons and their mango-twigs.”

The wheels of justice must move on, and not stop until we can convince ourselves that the time for closure is here” and yes, we must not close this very black chapter unless and until we are fully convinced that the right time has come before us for its termination of operations. The words echo forever so loud and clear; in here and always nearby. Our hands and hearts are right here! Jamaat-e-Islami criminals, their buddies and their boundless audacities must finally be stopped up through the ballot gyration in the national polls on 7 January 2024 in Bangladesh.

The writer is freedom fighter and an independent political analyst.
