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10 March 2025

CIA machinations of Bangabandhu  Mujib’s brutal murder…

Published: 04:00, 13 January 2024

CIA machinations of Bangabandhu  Mujib’s brutal murder…

Photo : Messenger

The 15 August 1975 military coup in Bangladesh powerfully exemplifies the authoritative declaration of William Faulkner that “the past is never dead; it is not even past.” For those of us who lived on the years of Bangladesh's War of Independence and the decade of the 1970s, we can recall some dates as milestones of an era. They are markings on a route we journeyed to a terminus point, but many people in other parts of the world did not reach.

15 August is a day when all beings of the country, even the nature drop tears. Because, this day of August, back in 1975, it seemed like this rainy August and brutal bloodshed of Bangabandhu were the representation of the weeping of the sky itself of extreme grievance. The time when the murderers were brush firing all the family members of Bangabandhu at the hour just before dawn, it was raining, as if the nature was weeping. The frightened Bangladesh against the raised firearms was all bewildered in mourning the unexpected sudden shock.

This flame of bereavement will burn for epochs to come. 15 August is the day to recite lamentation for the martyrdom of the architect of Bangladesh’s independence.

But we know the history of the US Central Intelligence Agency is replete with numerous examples of political assassinations, not only in the US, but also in other countries. Allegation has it that it actively developed various methods for the deliberate elimination of the US’s political opponent, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, involving not only special forces in this task, but also the special services of countries that cooperated closely with the CIA. Because Pakistan and its strong ally America were given a crushing defeat by the Bengalis in cooperation with our friendly countries India and former Soviet Union in our glorious Liberation War with Pakistan in 1971 to establish Bangladesh.

Such radical plans to get rid of political opponents are well-known, especially when these plans are developed and supervised by the CIA, which is adept in these matters. And it’s no wonder that even the former director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (US Secretary of State), Mike Pompeo, spoke in October, 2018 at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies forum in Washington, saying that if the CIA liquidates the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un, he would not acknowledge involvement of American agents in the assassination. Look at his temerity!

Everyone knows that in order to maintain their dominance, the US stops at nothing, including the murders of undesirables. During the 50s and 60s, they killed the largest number of popular foreign leaders and public figures who were fighting not for communism, but for their countries’ national independence. 

Since 1981 the list of victims began to grow rapidly. After numerous media discussions, longstanding interest is not letting up in the secret of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s fast-developing infection and subsequent death with a new form of biological weapon: a cancer virus and the American special services’ involvement in this.

However, another highly strange and inexplicable fact other than the special operation of the US special services, is that, besides Hugo Chavez, a number of other Latin American leaders, who were clearly disliked by Washington, unexpectedly fell ill with cancer all at the same time. Among them were Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, succeeded by Christine Kirchner, Brazilian President I. Lula da Silva after whom Dilma Roussef came to power, and Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo (who was overthrown during the CIA’s coup d’état in 2012; shortly thereafter, he was diagnosed with cancer. 

It is also curious that after the conservative and pro-American president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, began peace talks with the partisans of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), he also unexpectedly contracted cancer.

Venezuelan writer Luis Brito Garcia counted more than 900 attempts on the life of Cuban leader Fidel Castro organised by the CIA. And in the last years of his life, Castro also suffered a mysterious oncological bowel disease, which struck him after the 2006 “People’s Summit” in the Argentine city of Cordoba. We also recall the very strange death of former Palestinian President (PLO) Yasser Arafat, who suffered … leukemia in 2004.

It is also not unreasonable to cite WikiLeaks’ revelations that in 2008 the CIA asked its embassy in Paraguay to collect biometric data, including DNA, of all four presidential candidates. With knowledge of a person’s DNA code, it is easy to develop an oncogene for each individual. And if we assume that such data were obtained on the eve of the elections in Brazil, then Dilma Roussef’s cancer, contracted in 2009, fits perfectly into this theory.

So, in addition to forceful options for eliminating political opponents as, in particular, happened with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein or Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, it is unlikely that the CIA would be above infecting them with cancer viruses. Moreover, similar experiments have been conducted for a long time in the secret laboratories of the CIA, where they became a military trophy of the American special services based on the brutal concentration camp where human experimentation of Josef Mengele, and before that on the experience of the American, Cornelius “Doctor Death” Rhoads.

This pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research started work in Puerto Rico and became a pioneer in virtually all areas of the creation of new technologies for killing people, from chemical and biological methods to radiation. With funding from the Rockefeller Institute, he conducted experiments in Puerto Rico in the early 30s infecting people with cancer cells, which work was conducted inside a secret “Building No. 439. ″

Is cancer the effect of a new weapon of the American intelligence agencies, fitting in well with the modus vivendi of the agonising North American empire? We note only that the disease affected only those politicians whose political direction was contrary to the dominant position of the United States.

The US is on the edge of economic collapse and remains afloat only because it can launch a printing press to re-credit its economy, constantly growing its military budget and secret CIA operations. Therefore, it is entirely logical to assume that the craftsmen of Langley found new quick and inexpensive methods of effectively eliminating opponents. The most important advantage of these methods is that they leave no traces, are disguised as cancer or a heart attack and eliminate the possibility of exposure and direct liability.

Beside the deep river, Sheikh Mujib would walk on and on, while the flowers at our feet and the birds up above argued so sweetly on reciprocal love, we want to lean on his shoulder.

Shall we ever forget at the Grand Opera when music poured out of each wonderful star at his call? Diamonds and pearls they hung dazzling down over each silver and golden silk gown, but he was fair as a garden in flower as slender and tall as the great Eiffel Tower. He would be the sun on one arm and the moon on the other. The sea it was blue and the grass it was green. Every star rattled a round tambourine ten thousand miles deep in a pit there he lays, but he frowned like a thunder and he went away.

Mujib was a thousand winds that blew; he was the diamond glints on snow; he was the sunlight on ripened grain; the gentle autumn rain; if he now awakes in the morning's hush, he would be the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight; and he was the soft stars that shine at night. Stop all the clocks, cut-off the telephone, prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, silence the pianos and with muffled drum, bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aero-planes circle moaning overhead scribbling on the sky the message. He is now dead, but he was our North, our South, our East and West, our working week and Friday and Saturday rest, our noon, our midnight, our talk, our songs and the stars are not wanted now: put out every one; pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman does not belong to Bangladesh alone. He is the harbinger of freedom for all Bengalis. His Bengali nationalism is the new emergence of Bengali civilisation and culture. Mujib is the hero of the Bengalis, in the past and in the times that are. Lord Fenner Brockway, leader of the British humanist movement said, “In a sense, Sheikh Mujib is a greater leader than George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi and De Valera.”

In 1970, despite gaining a majority, the League was not invited by the ruling Pakistan’s military junta to form a government. As civil disobedience erupted across the-then East Pakistan, Mujib indirectly announced independence of Bangladesh during a landmark speech on 7 March 1971.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was directly involved in the plot of 15 August 1975 in collusion with Pakistan’s ISI and the anti-Bangladesh liberation forces hiding in Bangladesh and elsewhere of the world. Lawrence Lifschultz alleged that the CIA was involved in the coup and assassination of Bangabandhu, basing his premise on statements by the-then US Ambassador in Dhaka, Eugene Booster.

15 August, 1975 shall be treated as the darkest chapter of the CIA and Bangladesh’s history.

The writer, a freedom fighter, writes on politics and international issues.
