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Intrepid Prime Minister and positive sum game for Bangladesh in an expanded role

Published: 03:55, 6 February 2024

Update: 10:56, 7 February 2024

Intrepid Prime Minister and positive sum game for Bangladesh in an expanded role

Photo : Messenger

Bangabandhu is the name of a legend who dreamt of a hunger- and poverty-free, prosperous country. His actions changed the world forever. Now it is the turn of his eldest daughter to change the world with Bishwabandhu’s Bandhutva. Prime Minister Hasina renewed Bangabandhu and Bishwabandhu’s ideals in our mindset, especially that of our younger generations, inspiring them to learn human values and love for their own nation and the world. This will also afford them an opportunity to learn the significance and spirit of the War of Liberation from the life and struggle of Bangabandhu.

Bangladesh is galloping towards a trillion-dollar economy to be included as the 16th member in this community of trillion-dollar nations. By my calculation, GDP will double in the next 12 years by 2035 at a 6 percent growth rate. Returns to investors will be more than the enviable 10 percent. Its challenges are decreasing due to economic momentum in both industrial and service manufacturing, agricultural, infrastructural (physical and electronic), financial sophistication and services, regulatory, fiscal, education, expatriate relations, connectivity across the Indo-Pacific region, cross-border logistics and communication, and climate and renewable energy, to name a few important ones. Hence, besides its geopolitical advantage, Bangladesh is becoming an attractive place for comparative economic advantage. That is why both the US and Europe have expressed their desires to be partners in its exemplary economic progress, notwithstanding their positions to the contrary during the election. I was not a bit worried that these promises came late, as it is well known that the US always does the right thing after exhausting all possibilities!

Bishwabondhu’s Bandhutva is critically relevant given the expanded role of Bangladesh in the Indo-Pacific Corridor and Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as one of the important regional players in promoting security, connectivity, and shared prosperity. On April 24, 2023, in a Town Hall meeting at the US Embassy in Dhaka, Ambassador Peter Haas lauded Bangladesh for having demonstrated a mastery dividend in securing four superpowers’ engagement in Bangladesh. A great testimony to the leadership and sagacity of the Honourable Prime Minister!

The Big Four want Bangladesh to play a bigger role outside of itself for their own interests. Bangladesh followed Bishwabandhu’s Bandhutva for a very long time. Its’ UN peacekeeping efforts in manmade and natural crises and global engagement have brought numerous benefits to the world. Its continued commitment to peacekeeping demonstrates its dedication to global peace and security. Bangladesh’s commitment and contributions have helped maintain global peace and stability, providing continued humanitarian assistance to Rohingya refugees and other human crises, strengthening the UN`s capacity, promoting regional security, facilitating capacity building, and providing economic benefits. Simply put, Bangladesh is poised for an even bigger role now that its economy is well under strategic and momentum expansion. It is now poised for a greater regional and global role. The enabling factors are empowering infrastructure: 580 km of coastline, 10 active land ports, deep seaports, international airports, highways, Asian highways, and BRI regional highways, among others. Today, Bangladesh has emerged as a corridor where China and India are stepping in to shore up their foreign direct investments.

As the Honourable Prime Minister took charge for the unprecedented fifth time, she immediately demonstrated the mettle that she is made of. She reorganised the cabinet as the new world order demanded. Like a good neighbour, India stood firmly by Bangladesh during the recent election and supported the outcome that will maintain the stability of Bangladesh’s awe-inspiring growth even in the face of the US and Europe’s positions to the contrary. The diplomatic closeness between the two countries continues; however, both countries follow autonomous foreign relations based on their respective ideals. India follows the Bharat Rising ideal, and Bangladesh follows Bishwabandhu’s Bandhutva ideal.

The first revealed proof is the Gaza war. Based on the Bharat Rising, India sides with Israel and provides men and materials to help it conduct the war. In contrast, Bangladesh stood for exactly the opposite view. No sooner than the Prime Minister took over the office, on January 14, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh issued a press statement in support of South Africa`s application to institute proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for alleged genocide. Of course, before this, on November 30, Bangladesh joined Bolivia, South Africa, Comoros, and Djibouti and filed a request to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the situation in Palestine.

The honourable PM gets the best out of all partners, no matter how big they are. Many other countries may take such an independent stance in the coming years. However, not many can claim a clear understanding of a multipolar era of geopolitics like PM Hasina. Bangladesh is in a pivotal position, exclusively crafted by PM Sheikh Hasina, in securing the four superpowers’ engagement in Bangladesh. The US and Europe are currently hoping to get some advantages in this race of securing advantages away from India. This is a testimony to British statesman Lord Palmerston’s famous words: ‘Nations have no permanent friends or allies; they only have permanent interests.’

Multilateralism and partnerships obtained through several political and economic shifts over the last two decades have afforded Bangladesh the ability to maintain its benevolent and humanitarian outlook. It accepted Rohingya refugees purely on humanitarian grounds, in sharp contrast to European countries taking positions on Syrian refugees. In its foreign policy, Bangladesh adopts an adaptive and realistic preference to maintain peaceful relationships with its counterparts. In its development paradigm, the focus is more on enhancing security, connectivity, and shared prosperity than sparking geo-security through the arms race. This “realist” view of foreign policy exhibits a harsh rationality. Besides, enjoying rapport with four superpowers, Bangladesh also enjoys association with BRICS, recently joined the large ethical group that supports the ICJ’s position on Israel, and has an invitation to join the apex World Economic Forum because of its exemplary economic progress. A truly expanded role indeed for Bangladesh.

Additionally, Bangladesh must watch Myanmar’s civil war as it projects security threats, a worsening Rohingya refugee crisis, an economic meltdown, and broader regional disruptions. Bangladesh, as a neighbouring country, has a vested interest in ensuring stability in Myanmar. Instability in Myanmar can have direct repercussions on Bangladesh, including refugee influx, economic disruptions, and security challenges along the border. Bangladesh may need to engage diplomatically and possibly even provide logistical support to international efforts aimed at stabilising Myanmar. Bangladesh, along with other regional and international actors, could play a role in advocating for the restoration of democracy in Myanmar. This might involve supporting diplomatic initiatives, aiding democratic movements within Myanmar, and working with international organisations to pressure the Myanmar government to uphold democratic principles. This could include cooperating with regional bodies like ASEAN, engaging with the United Nations, and collaborating with other countries, including the big four, that have a stake in the stability of Myanmar and the broader region.

Overall, international intervention in Myanmar is a complex issue, and Bangladesh`s role in fostering stability, supporting democratic values, and managing the spillover effects will likely depend on its mastery dividend in securing the four superpowers’ engagement. This will further increase Bangladesh’s regional role based on Bishwabandhu’s Bandhutva to secure a more stable and prosperous future for the region.

BNP must understand that its current activities will bring about its abrupt and total collapse. Given PM Hasina’s craftmanship in securing four superpowers’ engagement, the opposition leaders do not have any ground to run India out campaign. Launching India out movement does not at all make sense when intrepid HPM demonstrated positive sum framework where Bangladesh has its own independent policy be that foreign or economic policies. Framed in this positive-sum way, opposition leaders could be a positive factor to maximise positive-sum rather than ‘one-in, one-out’ campaigns. The same way, wishing for a post-election Arab Spring will be another fatal mistake, like its pre-election violence relying on falsely expected US help. Inciting communal violence will be a lost cause, as the ruling party has been working on the freedom of worship of all religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism, throughout the country. The government ensures the protection of religious sites and facilitates the observance of religious rituals.

Importantly, Bangladesh has witnessed efforts to promote interfaith relations and social cohesion in terms of interfaith dialogue initiatives, community engagement, and inclusive policies. These efforts have contributed to fostering religious tolerance and harmony among different religious communities.

Any country needs a healthy opposition. BNP is no longer a healthy opposition. From the ashes, they should build the party anew based on some common principles. 1) Bangladesh`s DNA is the father of the nation, Bangabandhu and Bishwabandhu; 2) 1971 Liberation War; 3) Upholding of Bangladesh Constitution; and 4) Allegiance to Bangladesh Sovereignty. BNP should learn from history. In the mid-19th century, the two most powerful political parties in the United States were the Democrats and the Whigs. But for all their prominence and power, the Whigs could not keep it together.

The all-consuming issue of slavery was the Whigs’ ultimate undoing and demise. BNP’s all-consuming issue of not upholding the constitution will be its ultimate undoing and demise. The scattering Whig leadership started third parties like the Know Nothings and the Republicans. BNP should do the same. We look forward to such a transformation of BNP as a strong opposition party for the sovereignty of our great and beloved country. The future will be grateful for this transformation.

The immortal Bangabandhu and Bishwabondhu are both a noun and a verb. He is the DNA of Bangladesh, and like DNA, his mindset instructs what is needed for Bangladesh to develop, survive, and replenish through equity, humanity, and justice for all. We can be assured that the execution of these ideals for children, women, and men is led by the indomitable and intrepid Prime Minister Hasina, both locally and globally.

The writer is the, Ph.D. Professor of Finance Saint Xavier University Chicago, IL, USA.
