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10 March 2025

Monaem Sarker: Tale of an unsung living political champion

Published: 08:19, 3 May 2024

Monaem Sarker: Tale of an unsung living political champion

Photo : Messenger

As an active worker in the progressive political movement of Bangladesh, the contribution of this humble man was undaunted. His diverse experiences, fighting skills, honesty and determination are the only support for his progressive thinking and has dedicated to the welfare of the common people still has an undying love for Bangabandhu, the architect of Bangladesh, the father of the nation; his adage is the last path of life; and his firm belief that he will continue to work till the last day of his life to fulfill Bangabandhu's dream.

A giant star-cloistered politician, a bang-up researcher, a fecund writer, and a fine-grained gentleman with a pleasing in appearance as he has been, Monaem Sarker is a Cumilla native aged now 79 plus, was born on March 30, 1945. His political life history spans for about six decennaries.

With an M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics with credit from Dhaka University in 1967, Monaem Sarker best loved the life of a whole-souled political worker being pulled in by the left-winger politics. He manifested a notable role in the politics of the-then East Pakistan students’ Union, Communist Party, NAP and afterwards Bangladesh Awami League.

He played a vital role during Bangladesh’s Liberation War of 1971. After the brutal assassination of Bangabandhu on 15 August 1975, he worked very hard to form vox populi pointed to rebuilding the values and ideals of independence as pursued by Bangabandhu.

He also had a special role in bringing out various weeklies, biweeklies and monthlies. At those times, the Brajrakantho from Kolkata, Banglar Dak, Sonar Bangla, Sun Rise, et al, from London were brought out to establish public opinion at abroad in favour of pro-Bangladesh and pro-liberation forces.

Getting back in the country in 1979, he played a unique role in forming the Bangabandhu Parishad. He joined Bangladesh Awami League in the same year, at the inspiration of the political orientation of Bangabandhu. He pioneered in the formation of 10-party and 15-party alliances against the autocratic military governments of Zia and Ershad in preparing agenda and conducting movements.

In establishing the common platform of the three alliances for preparing the roadmap of the movement, he consecrated himself very profoundly. Keeping himself in solitude, Monaem Sarker has been working as a pivotal power of all democratic and progressive movements of the country. His activities in the fields of economics, social movements and cultural movements are also long-familiar and popular characterised by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality.

Besides Bangladesh Awami League politics, he also took intensive part in the fields of cultural and literary firmament, being one of the founders of the Udichi. He is a popular columnist and writer. He edited Bangabandhu's Biography in two volumes published by Bangla Academy.

He authored 125 books mainly on political and social affairs and got numerous awards from different organisations, of which Bangla academy “Honorary Fellowship 2013” is remarkable. He is now the Chairman of the Bangladesh Foundation for Development Research (BFDR), a stellar research organisation which was established in 1996 to carry out research on Bangla Language, Liberation War,

Culture, Formation of the Bengalee nation, state, et al. Under his leadership, BFDR produced 21 DVDs on interviews of Freedom Fighters and 6 DVDs on different important topics like the Language Movement, the Liberation War, anti-British movements, et al, which are available in the BFDR website.

Monaem Sarker remains an iconic figure in Southeast Asian politics and a historical advocate for the development and sovereignty of Global Southeast Asia. He is a shining example of what it means to be a versatile talent. Dispersion of talent in debates, recitals, art, other cultural activities and has remained for decennaries one of the most definitive observers on Bengalis, Bangladesh, Bangabandhu and the Bangladesh political world, as well as a historian of the tumultuous events of 1952, 1962, 1969, 1970 and 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War in which he mightily participated.

Calling him a political icon, we must say he has massively participated in enriching intellectual life with his books, articles, political and historical studies. Monaem Sarker has always described himself as a politician, first and foremost. But his unique role as a participant in and a chronicler of Bangladesh’s history drew politicians of all stripes — liberals, nationalists, et al.

A well-connected politician, commentator, and master propagandist, Sarker has crafted the message of Bangabandhu and has been defending his legacy long after his death. His books are consistent best read in the Bengali world, and his political analysis is accorded respect. His opinion is being sought in hour-long indoor interviews and behind closed-door meetings in the corridors of power. His influence has endured the epochs of long-reigning by PM Sheikh Hasina, her political struggles, and political dead cert.

A giant politician who became a confidant of Sheikh Hasina. He has remained relevant long after Bangabandhu died, respected for his wide network of international contacts and extraordinary analytical skills. He can be described as "the nation's authentic memory."

Established a distinctive political school that combined political analysis with a magnificent writing style. He is widely regarded as the book of record in the Bangladeshi world. His voice is full of patriotism, his mind like a razor, that of a veteran fighter, writer, sage, perhaps the most important living witness and historian of modern Bangladesh.

He is a man of such eloquence, such energy, with such a vast memory, that men and women who are younger – a quality he much admires and which he has won because of his humane attributes.

This veteran Bangladesh politician is best privately known as Sheikh Hasina’s taciturnly mouthpiece. He grew up as a talented young person, liked and admired by all around him. Monaem Sarker, the legendary politician of Bangladesh, has embarked on his political journey since his school days with a unique blend of academic pursuit and passion for social relations.

A quintessential backroom player, he will continue to work to keep the administrative machinery of the government humming. He could take a long-term view of the developmental initiatives that could help Bangladesh in the decades ahead, not necessarily thinking in terms of the next election only. In his long political life, it would be impossible to find someone who did not like him as a person, ideological orientations being another matter.

Despite no official position, Sarker is a keen follower of Bangabandhu’s people’s welfare-oriented politics. In person, Sarker comes across as an effective administrator, a proud Bengali nationalist, and a committed Bangladesh. He also is a policy maven—introverted, precise, and even passionate about the most technical of subjects. On almost all of these issues, his Bangladesh is pushing and following, Bangladesh.

As a stripling, he was comprehending the national developments to realise how tough a task it is for the nation to re-establish itself on the global stage, and simultaneously give its people what they needed to lead a dignified life. He understood the pulse of the people and has been blessed with the gift of a flawless research-based oratory that touched the hearts of the listener, through his speeches. He endeared himself to the people, stuck dexterously to his ideological moorings in thick and thin.

No one has ever seen any sense of arrogance in the Monaem Sarker; such friendly and hospitable people are rare in our society. Our society needs many more virtuous and unselfish people like Monaem Sarker. He cherishes the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all people of all religions live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which he hopes to live for, and to see realised. It is an ideal for which he is prepared to die.

Monaem Sarker continues to be held in high regard by all who know him and he will be remembered for his grace, leadership, kindness, contributions towards Bangladesh’s betterment.

He has the gift of tenderness of heart, and this was his art of winning the hearts of people. He is affectionate and empathetic. Adversities could never demoralise him; rather, these occasions gave him greater determination to succeed. He accepted challenges. For, party management is an art and not a craft, as practiced by the new generation of most politicians. His research-oriented books indicate his concern for the nation and the people. Most of his time is spent thinking over politics, but I never found him desolate or withdrawn.

His strength and beauty, the grace and dignity of his bearing, the dark light of his eyes, his imposing appearance—and from the moment he began to speak, the splendid speech with his rich, deep voice enthralled the vast audience. The thought of this warrior prophet of Bangladesh left a deep mark upon Bangladesh. Bangladesh has thus have had the blessing of directly hearing a person of the stature of a great politician, radiating purity, compassion, and love.

He was a well-respected politician who is an out-of-the-box thinker and speaker. He approached topics from a unique point of view, which made us to redefine our lives, personally and politically. Address is a cornerstone of Bangladeshi history. His speech rallied a nation and set created a foundation of Bengali idealism for future generations.

Big salutes to Monaem Sarker. He is an exemplary leader who believes in what he wants to do, subscribes to what Awami League wants to do, and faithfully following it through. That, in a nutshell, he is a perfect gentleman politician in the political firmament of Bangladesh.

The writer is a freedom fighter who writes on politics and international issues.
