Photo : Messenger
A smile crosses the face of BNP leaders as they saunter through any rally in front of their Naya Paltan Central Office, but they are not concerned about the team running afoul of the rules. It was as if an orotund was puffed out the other day by a popinjay’s declamation. It is named as ‘BNP’s ‘one-point’ demand movement to remove Awami League from the power tout the suite and to ascend the throne of Bangladesh. to hold the upcoming national elections under a neutral government.
BNP, as a theatre of the absurd, no longer surprises. Nonetheless, it is understandable that their new actions, which expose the extent to which a lack of probity and respect for what is moral and logical does not cease to cause them pain.
While BNP was born in the military cantonment on September 1, 1978, by reprobate military ruler Gen Zia with government exchequer’s funding and utilising government spy agencies, it lost its soul and moral compass thence. Now, the party has become a pun in the hands of the more rapscallion politicians to ensure that they are not to be held accountable. We can now designate a new name to them as ‘Jamaat-e-BNP.’ People do not wish to see them, the way we see politicians. The charade called politicians shall not be the abode of a country that is attained through the supreme sacrifices of millions of people in 1971.
This unprincipled political outfit (Jamaat-e-BNP is not a political party as it seems to be) had elapsed on the very day of it bringing into existence. It is now under the full rein of a full Monty (at least in appearance) and her balled-up son. It has brushed up barfs of spoilers of the veridical spirits and values of our glorious Liberation War by the outfit’s amoral kingbolt and her or his scalawag deputies, and the outfit’s present visual modality has tried to lay out something to present as a gift with flicks of some themes and plots of ground bespeaks of ulterior motives and that’s called one-point recipe for climbing-up the throne of Bangladesh.
If we look back: the bacilli of the defeated forces could not be destroyed after Bangladesh’s Founding Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s killing intentionally and with premeditation on 15 August in 1975 by Khondokar Mushtaqu Ahmed and his camarilla and because of skullduggeries of depraved military rulers, Gen. Zia, Gen. Ershad and their compadre – Begum Zia for two decades or so. Unfortunately, they have infected, among so many other people in the country.
BNP and JP are unlawful machinates born in the military bivouac by profaned military dictators Gen Zia and Gen Ershad and they were self-proclaimed Presidents of Bangladesh. Deviating from what is considered moral, right, proper, or good, these reprobate personas, power-hungry men in nature, purposely reinstated the anti-liberation forces, especially Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) mass-murderers of 1971 and their ill chums in every sphere of circuits on the soil of Bangladesh. So, BNP and JP are unquestionably anti-liberation forces in the country and they embody the defeated forces of our 1971 war to establish our own homeland - Bangladesh.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) is well-known and long-familiar both at home and abroad as a killing outfit of our millions of people in 1971 in league with Pakistan’s military junta and Uncle Sam’s felonious administration. It is also a well-known for its worst war criminality in the annals of history. Even if we also hark-back the years of 2013 and 2014, we can clearly see the vivid pictures of the real violent world of BNP and JeI and how these two political outfits brought about terrible excruciations to our people in the country. We cannot and shall never forget the Talibani or ISIS style of brutalities they did thrust out to our innocent people during those times.
Behind the gray stone walls of BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami and Jatiya Party, there is a load of rubbish, and next to this rubbish are ill people who wanted to ravage our glorified achievements, which we attained in 1971 at the bay of blood. It is a big shock, that we cannot take. In truth, since they are collectors of miscellaneous useless objects or collect things that have been discarded by others, their places are bound to be the outfall at a far-off grime place.
Having seen that BNP-like outfit’s illegitimate birth and its topsy-turvy unlawful accession to power, I can tell you the truth: Their 1-point ‘decorative or artistic work’ is a bald-faced lie.
The black-bespectacled bozo (i.e., Gen Zia) never even got to know someone with a light saber or lightsomeness, much less hold one. It is a yarn about the galaxy’s true misfits — the less-than-special ones who rose up against the imperia out of desperation and for his diaphanous personal Lilliputian necessity. His better-half and sonny son are asplenium adiantum-nigrum, have been more chippies in glorifying the defeated enemies, giving moorage to their past rule of governments and longing for future and the country’s body politic to fosterage gamin for our yester-years’ aureoles.
A skanky politician as BKZ, her lad and their local and foreign mango-twigs have all along been, the abracadabra harangue of BNP’s 1-point demand is nothing but a tactic or maneuver intended to gain ground of a vantage lonesome to snaffle power along with their knavish paisanos to further rampage or run riot and dance or Terpsichore on our glorious red and green flag. Their new-fangled and averred assertions in different times are jocosities like a circus party buffoon. The summation of their words that are mouthed veritably sounds “Rogues supplant justice.” BNP’s fazing or enervating criminal record would exacerbate once they, like rogue politicians, seize the country’s throne. And that will be another bald-faced Vespula maculate of overbearing pride.
But every time, BNP’s enthusiastic chum salmons cogitate about the time of sunrise. It is anathematic that they have been offering to a Janus-faced deity somas aesthesis of non-fictional prose forming a part of their lectures for dispersion to the public to take their kingpin leaders to power-boating.
BNP’s 1-point movement plan is nothing but an enlarged billow beyond truth or reasonableness of without value, significance, or point of forebodes. This will before long be chapfallen. It is not anything, nothing, at all, but a charade and a misleading falsehood about the country and its people.
Where does BNP leadership’s quality of being able to perform, a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment? Over and above, they are the Dhaka cantonment-born illegitimate political squad and anti-liberation force!!!
Their abracadabra recitations or programme lines to introduce a positive and quality political culture in Bangladesh is a good-for-naught, subsonic and not capable of being made consistent or harmonious movement with their own political orientation or their party’s school of thought. Begum Khaleda or her sonny-boy is a knavery; lack of honesty; and acts of lying, et al.
There is a commonly held assumption that long-term planning and democratic politics are incompatible. The intended outcomes of long-term planning require continuity, learning, and adaptation, but frequent election cycles and turnover of political incumbents (not to mention public opposition) can disrupt established policy pathways and incentivize public officials to focus on highly visible, short-term gains. The embeddedness of political leaders in social and administrative structures can further constrain their authority and actions. A loathsome political character of its sonny leaders, as they, how an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone else Begum Zia or her son be.
Besieged by the 1971 war criminals, mass murderers, rapists…BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and her sonny son brought out their party’s 1-point formula to turn the country into a “rainbow nation” to create a political culture where all people of varying opinions can coexist peacefully, but, in fact, it is and will be a four-flush. They do never possess or hold such a vision in their own soul; the party leaders are nothing but a reciter of that demand only. Hence, it can safely be said that it is aimed at making Bangladesh a banana republic.
It is an outfit based on legerdemain. Good always has to triumph over evil, and a respect for the law-and-order establishment has to be encouraged. Gothic, as if belonging to the Middle Ages, old-fashioned and unenlightened, she or her son or her other leaders may be the residents of an infernal region and operate their fit out in that realm, not in Bangladesh.
BNP’s past history speaks that the bucked-up writers, in a disloyal and faithless manner, write lectures for BNP like an unlawful machinate born in the military bivouac. Guinea-hen flower or snake’s head fritillary recites the scripts only.
They do not even hold or possess a single word of their speeches, but they want to rule us to chivvy and ravage our country with more savageness than that of 1971. Wow! An utterly shrill cry! A piping up! And what not! The price of our freedom in 1971 is our eternal vigilance.
The writer is a freedom fighter who writes on politics and international issues.