Dhaka,  Thursday
13 March 2025

History of Qurbani, its significance and importance

Md Mahbubur Rahman

Published: 08:32, 2 June 2024

History of Qurbani, its significance and importance

Photo: Messenger

Qurbani has been practiced since the beginning of human settlement in the world. The first man in the world, our first father and the first son of Prophet Hazrat Adam (A.S.), was a disobedient or infidel to Allah and his parents. Habeel, the second son of Hazrat Adam (A.S.), the younger brother of Kabeel, was God-fearing and a believer. At that time, there were pairs of children, by the order of Allah Ta'ala. A son and a daughter. The marriage of the daughter of the second pair with the son of the first pair was valid as per the law of Allah Ta'ala. Qabil was not willing to obey Allah Ta'ala's decree. He wanted to marry the beautiful sister of his twin. In the end, they were ordered to sacrifice two people. It is said that the one whose sacrifice will be accepted will be the first to marry beautiful sister.

In this regard, Allah Ta'ala declares, '(O Prophet!) You tell them the story of the two children of Adam properly; The story was that when they both offered a sacrifice in the name of Allah, one of them (Habeel) had the sacrifice accepted, and the one (Cain) had nothing accepted. (whose sacrifice was not accepted), he said, Surely I will kill you (whose sacrifice was accepted), he (whose sacrifice was accepted) said, "Allah accepts sacrifice only from those who are righteous" (Surah al-Ma'ida-5-27).

The first murder in the history of the world for disobeying the laws of Allah Ta'ala was the killing of Habeel and Kabeel, which is mentioned in several other Surahs, including Surah Al Ma'ida of Al-Qur'an. The history of sacrifices and killings in the world started from here.

The tradition of sacrifice in Muslim society today is basically the way of Sunnah shown by the Muslim nation or the father of the nation, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.).  After the centenary of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), the child whom Allah Ta'ala gave him, he was commanded by Allah Ta'ala to sacrifice a piece of his liver to Hazrat Ismail (A.S.), and this sacrifice is still practiced today.

Beginning of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S,):

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), the father of the Muslim nation or nation, migrated to the land of Syria with his wife, Hazrat Sarah, on the command of Allah Ta'ala, under the oppression of Nimrod and his followers. Unfortunately, the king there was a tyrant and a very fickle person. When the king's men brought the news of the arrival of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and his beautiful wife Hazrat Sara to the king's court, the king asked them to bring him. The king's men brought Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) and his wife Sarah to the king's court. The king asked Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), who was his wife.  Ibrahim (A.S.) thought that if his wife told him, he might kill him, so he said, "She is my religious sister." The king imprisoned Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) and left Hazrat Sarah to carry out the evil deeds of the king. The king threatened to kill Hazrat Sara if she did not agree to the bad proposal of the king.  After that, when Hazrat asked for permission to pray two rak'ahs, the king allowed him to pray. At the end of the entire prayer, Hazrat prayed to Allah, May Allah Ta'ala protect her chastity. Meanwhile, the king became very sick and weak. Seeing the bad situation and thinking that his people would blame Hazrat Sara for the king's death, Hazrat Sara prayed for the king's health. When the same incident happened three times, the king asked for forgiveness from Hazrat Sarah. Seeing the chastity of Hazrat Sarah, another chaste woman sends them away by giving Hazrat Hajera as her maid.

Hazrat Sarah and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) were freed and started living in that country. Hazrat Sarah married her maid, Hazrat Hajera, to Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.). Because Hazrat Sarah was 90 years old and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) was 100 years old at that time.  Even after a long time of their marriage, Hazrat Sarah could not become a mother. She thought that in her final age, Allah Ta'ala would kindly grant her husband Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) a child. By the grace of Allah, Hazrat Ismail (A.S.) was born in the womb of this Hazrat Hajera.

After the birth of Hazrat Ismail (A.S.), Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) left his wife Hazrat Hajera and the infant son in a secluded place at the foot of the Safa and Marwa hills near the Kaaba house with some dates and a bottle of water.  When Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) was leaving the place, leaving them in this condition, Hazrat Hajera was asking, are you going to leave us in this lonely place?  Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) replied in a low voice, Yes. Again, Hazrat Hajera asked, Is this the order of Allah Ta'ala? Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) once again replied, Yes. Hazrat Hajera stayed there with her baby child, trusting in Allah Ta'ala.

At that time, there was no sign of the Kaaba house. The height of the Kaaba house was quite high from the ground. Four sides were broken due to a flood caused by rainwater. Hazrat Hajera and her children ran out of food and drink when Hajera started running to the mountains of Safa and Marwa in search of food and water. When he was returning in despair, he heard a noise. Hajera said, "Who are you? I can hear your voice. If possible, please help me for the sake of Allah." Suddenly, he saw a man (angel) near his infant son, Ismail (A.S.). When he (the angel) struck the ground with his heel or wing, or the friction of the heel of Hazrat Ismail (A.S.)'s weeping feet, fountains of water began to flow from below. This is the fountain or well that is now known to the Muslim world as Zamzam. Muslims are satisfied with drinking it as a sweet drink. It was also created by the mercy of Allah Ta'ala centred on the Kaaba and at the behest of Hazrat Ismail (A.S.).

Hagar filled her mosque and drank the water to her satisfaction. Hazrat Hajera's hunger was quenched and the necessary milk was provided for her infant son.  Because of Hadhrat Hajar's running 7 times continuously on Safa and Marwa hills, Allah SWT has issued a rule for those who perform Hajj and Umrah to run seven times on Safa Marwa hills. Allah Ta'ala says, 'Surely the two mountains 'Safa and Marwa' are among the signs of Allah Ta'ala; therefore, if any one of you intends to perform Hajj or Umrah, there is nothing wrong with him doing Tawaf or running between these two mountains, because if any person does a good deed with sincerity in his heart, let him know that surely Allah is Oft-Grateful and All-Knowing” (Surah Baqarah-2-158).

When Hazrat Ishmael (A.S.) was old enough to walk and play, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) was commanded in a dream, Sacrifice your beloved things in the name of Allah. Ibrahim (A.S.) was commanded in a dream and sacrificed 10 camels. Again, he saw the same dream. Then Ibrahim (A.S.) again sacrificed 100 camels. Again, he saw the same dream and thought, I have no other dear thing except my beloved son Ismail (A.S.) at this moment. Allah Ta'ala says, 'Then I gave him (Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.) the good news of a patient son. When he was fit to walk with his father, he (Ibrahim A.S.) said, O my son! I dreamed that I was sacrificing you. So, what's your opinion? He (Hazrat Ismail A.) said, O my father! Do what you have been commanded.  You will find me one of the patients, by the mercy of Allah. Then, when they both agreed and surrendered to the will of Allah Ta'ala and Ibrahim (A.S.) laid Ismail (A.S.) down to be slaughtered; Then I called Ibrahim and said, O Ibrahim, you have made your dream come true.  Surely it was a test for Ibrahim and Ismail. Then we gave Abraham a great sacrificial animal. By continuing this provision (of sacrifice) for the unborn, I continued his remembrance. Peace be upon Ibrahim. This is how I reward the righteous.' (Surah As-Saffat-101-109).

Significance and Importance of Sacrifice: Narrated by Hazrat Zayd Ibn Arqam (R.A), he said, Some Companions asked the Prophet (SM), O Messenger of Allah (SM), what is Qurbani?  The Prophet (SM) said that sacrifice is the Sunnah of the Muslim nation or the father of the nation, Ibrahim (A.S.).  They asked again, what is there for us? The Prophet (SM) said, "For every fur of the sacrificial animal, there is one virtue."  They said sheep have many types of wool.  The Prophet (SM) said, "For every wool of a sheep, one good will be given if it is sacrificed with a pure intention" (Ibn Majah).  It is narrated in a hadith of Abu Dawud Sharif that the Prophet (SM) said that the most honourable day in the sight of Allah is the Day of Sacrifice.

The teaching of sacrifice: Sacrifice is not a matter of pressure or coercion. Man willingly creates the mentality of giving up the dearest things in the hope of attaining the pleasure of his Lord. As Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) only saw in a dream, sacrifice your beloved things for the sake of Allah. And so he was fully prepared to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (A.S.). Money and children are among the most attractive things to people in the world. The teaching of sacrifice is to create this mentality of giving up the illusion of wealth. Sacrifice increases our faith and piety and creates interest in the Hereafter. The Prophet (SM) instructed, O people, you should sacrifice good animals without defects because these sacrificial animals will be your means of going to Paradise' (Bayhaqi).

Sacrifice is obligatory on all wealthy Muslims.  Relatives, neighbours, the poor and the traveler have the right to sacrifice meat.  Care should be taken that no person in the society is deprived of the meat of the sacrifice. But the sacrificial skin is the right of only those entitled to Zakat.

The Writer is a Researcher, PhD, University of Rajshahi and Lecturer, Rajshahi Cantonment Public School & College. He could be reached at [email protected].
