Photo: Messenger
The world of Bangladesh shall not end up under Jamaat-e-BNP-Pakistani ISI-Uncle Sam and their feudatory NATO Alliance countries like Lucifers’ ‘Sword of Damocles’ on the tightrope pretexts of the anti-quota movement! Because Bangladesh is an independent and sovereign country which we attained at a very heavy price in 1971. Blockades, arsons, destruction of properties, terrible killing of people, et cetera, will only be devastation, but the perpetrators belong to Jamaat-e-BNP, so-called Islamist parties and their cronies – both local and foreign, must not escape the tight rope of justice. The time has now come fully matured for the government to take severer action against those felons.
As a very long-time political observer (since 1966-67), I also visited Dhaka’s Shahbagh, Science Laboratory, Nilkhet, et al, several days to see for myself about the protest movement against Quota systems in our country.
In point of fact, Quota systems for employment, disabled persons, voting, etc. are existing in France, Mexico, UK, Pakistan, China, Norway, Spain, Iceland, Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, UAE, India, Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, Greece, et al.
While visiting some protest spots, I found the protestors’ standing posture, slogans and placards, etc. are utterly anti-Bangladesh and anti-Bangladesh liberation. I found they were pronouncing ignominious slogans, “Mukti-joddhader gale juta maro tale-tale (hit the shoes on the faces of freedom fighters in the rhythm).
Our national flag was found under their feet. They were also using the national flag to raise subscriptions for them. This is the situation of quota opponents. If they had minimal respect for Bangladesh and Bangladesh’s flag, they would not have committed this Brobdingnagian crime. Some were found playing cards and also playing gambling with cards sitting on our national flags. They are not Bangladesh.
The anti-quota protesters and pupils of Dhaka University where I was also a proud student almost 50 years back made ignoble and terrible slogan like, “Aamra shobai Razakar” (“We are all Razakars”) in front of me when I was at Dhaka University campus for a short while, whereas Dhaka University was the beacon light for all struggles, movements and the 1971 liberation war to establish Bangladesh in which I was also a frontline freedom fighter. Their temerity can’t be pardoned under any circumstances, because they are not general and apolitical students. Instead, these are dreaded Jamaati Shibir cadres, in other words, these are neo-Tempters of Jamaat-e-Islami like gangland killers of 1971. They are not our children.
Nahid Islam, one of the key-coordinators of Anti-quota Movement is Member Secretary of the
‘Chhatra Shakti’ and earlier he was involved in former DUCSU VP Nurul Hoque Nura’s student wing – ‘Chhatra Odhikar.’ Both student wings are offshoots of frightful Jamaati Shibir under different anonyms or pretended names like their vile characters. I saw his face expressing his tone of arrogant words about their anti-quota movement in some TV channels and his age looks not less than 40, whereas he is a student of Sociology Department of Dhaka University as per today’s (22 July 2024) print media report. His age and studentship are a big interrogation point for all of us?
It is learnt from the print media that the total number of coordinator and assistant coordinator of this movement exceeds 70 throughout the country. So, it is a well-prepared, well-planned, lynx-eyed, well-ordered and hawk-eyed blueprint to tumble-down the present government from power unlawfully.
Thus, anti-quota protestation by pupils is simply a pretext from the very beginning. Because the guileful Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) mass-murderers of 1971, their present scions, Dhaka cantonment born illegitimate political squad and their mango-twigs deftly made a schema well in advance to cause to unseat the present government from power exploiting and controlling shrewdly or deviously the anti-quota protestation of students.
Until now, no Jamaat Shibir miscreant except terrible Jamaati leader Golam Parwar has been arrested for causing Brobdingnagian havoc, devastation of the state properties to the tune of a few thousand crores of taka and ran a grounding for many people falling prey to bloodshed in the country. The government should make them fully liable to repay the amount of destruction they caused to the country which we attained at the bay of blood in 1971.
These feral felons who look like humans, are indeed totally anti-Bangladesh liberation force and sub-humans. They are nothing, but gangland killers. If they are not smacked-down tout de suite, these perps may raise the demand of breaking off the structures of other religions, say for Hindus, Christians, Buddhists… whereas Bangladesh was attained at a very heavy price in 1971 for people of all religions to live together in peace. And we categorically say we shall live with people of all religions unitedly in a peaceful manner in Bangladesh.
These anti-Bangladesh liberation force even do not fly our National Flag and sing National Anthem on the occasions of our special days – on 26 March, 16 December and so on. These daemon forces should severely be punished for violating the country’s constitution.
In 971, when Bangladesh was established, it was conclusively ensconced how the country shall be run. So, it is a settled fact. Who are those anti-Bangladesh liberation forces – religion traders, and their foreign man go-twigs to whom we have to listen to their prescription to administrate the country? Their temerity is irremissible under any circumstances.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), the mass-murderers of 1971, is the wealthiest business organisation in Bangladesh. It has many killing squads under so many fictitious names which are working under the cloak-and-dagger of NGOs surreptitiously to allure people to come to their flexure to make Bangladesh, once again, with so many public places of execution of our people, as they did to us in 1971.
Pakistan’s horrendous killing outfit ISI has got a very strong ties with JeI to carry-out dreadful activities using Islam to destabilize Bangladesh according to their volition to impose their own and deceitful brand of Islam on us which has got no connection with our holy religion - Islam.
As if by smelling, Embassy of Uncle Sam in Dhaka, its mango-twigs – High Commissions of EU in Dhaka may have connections in all badly activities in collusion with Jamat-e-BNP in Bangladesh using knavishly the quota movement of students.
Pakistan High Commission (PHC) is the den of direful ISI and JeI. Bangladesh government should immediately put PHC + ISI under their strong scanner to catch those malefactors to face virile punishment. If need be, the uncouth battalions of Embassy of Uncle Sam in Dhaka, its mango-twigs – High Commissions of EU in Dhaka must be declared as Persona Non-grata.
It is high time to dismantle Jamaat-e-Islami high command and its various killing off-shoots into very small pieces for betterment of Bangladesh and its people. The government should also break-down their money channels, confiscate all their properties and take full control of their business entities to block up these perpetrators eternally.
Under the guise of anti-quota movement, it has rather been a part of the concerted effort by these sub-humans on collusion with Uncle Sam like a rogue state, their feudatory states like UK, the NATO states to eradicate progressive and pro-liberation activities in Bangladesh. Their ill-actions indicate how ferocious and tenacious they can if they get a small-scale chance.
It is also true, the capacity of both Jamaat and Shibir to perpetrate violence against progressive and pro-liberation forces makes them a highly coveted partner to have like America’s CIA, Pakistan’s ISI and Jamaat-e-BNP. During 2001-06, being a partner of the BNP-led coalition government, Jamaat’s strong influence in controlling the government’s agenda, placing its cadres in government offices, educational institutions, religious organisations, and penetrating diplomatic missions and security agencies should substantiate that claim convincingly.
‘Surprisingly, however, not a single Jamaat or Shibir cadre, except Golam Parwar like a dreaded mass-murderer of 1971, has ever been prosecuted for any of the crimes. Neither has a single Shibir cadre ever been arraigned for any of their atrocities.’ Even their colossus crimes in the present-times of July 2024, no action is visible from the government side against those horrendous hellish creatures. Following the past tradition, if the perpetrators of this horrific communal and reactionary party are allowed to walk free, then the venom of the re-grown fang of Jamaat-Shibir-Hefazat-Jamaat-e-BNP terrorists will harm the progressive and pro-liberation forces all the more in Bangladesh.
These stumblebums look like humans, but they are bitter enemies of humanity. They are thieves, liars, mass killers, looters, rapists and what not. They did all these crimes under the guise of Islam in 1971 and afterwards. We saw all these colossally felonious dissembles from them during our Liberation War in 1971 and afterwards, even in July 2024, in the land of Bangladesh.
They are not Bangladesh. I retell the suited time is now knocking at the door of the government. These feral and savage forces must be brought to the tight rope of justice tout de suite. It is also high time for the government to dismantle Jamaat-e-Islami’s entire monstrous high command into very small pieces, scrap the citizenship including all human rights - state benefits to these ferine people and their scions for three generations like Vietnam to keep Bangladesh calm and serene.
The writer is a freedom fighter who writes on politics and international issues.