Dhaka,  Monday
10 March 2025

Deadly Jamaat-e-BNP vipers respiring venomous suspires in all directions

Published: 09:36, 2 August 2024

Deadly Jamaat-e-BNP vipers respiring venomous suspires in all directions

Photo : Messenger

Awami League-led 14-Party Alliance, on 29 July 2024, decided to ban dreaded Jamaat-e-Islami. A most welcome news. I also urge upon the government must also confiscate their huge properties and take over them, cut off their money channels in full, scrap citizenship of Jamaati people, their scions and their mango-twigs eternally.

Behind the gray stone walls of those defeated forces, there is a load of rubbish, and next to this rubbish are ill people who wanted to ravage our glorified achievements which we attained in 1971. It is a big shock that we cannot take. A boomerang as their assault stupefies, it will recoil to their own courtyard emphatically in the forthcoming times. In truth, since they are collectors of miscellaneous useless objects or collect things that have been discarded by others, their places are bound be the outfall at a far-off grime place soon.

Our glorious Liberation war of 1971 to found Bangladesh is our plume. Our national flag is our preen. Our national anthem is our prideful-ness. We achieved Bangladesh at the blood-bath of 3 million of our people by the lunatic Pakistani military regime and their local brutish cohorts, majorly the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) sub-humans. To attain Bangladesh, three hundred thousand of our mothers and sisters lost their chastity at the hands of those malefactors.

I personally saw in my own eyes about the colossal massacres that happened in Bangladesh in 1971: the savage Pakistani army and dreaded Jamaat-e-Islami Al-Badr goons used our holy Religion - Islam and pronouncing the holy words, “Naray-e-Takbir, Allah-hu Akbar. Pakistan Zindabad and Pakistan is the holy place of Islam,” and then slaughtered our freedom-loving people pitilessly. They did never permit for burial of those dead bodies. Instead, they then vauntingly allowed those lamentable dead bodies to eat by the vultures, jackals, dogs and other human flesh eaters and thus celebrated such brutal darts with all unkindness.

We saw their baleful everlasting annihilation of the freedom-loving people of all classes and of all religions in the country. These perps forced out ten million of our people from their homes with unspeakable sufferings, made them shelter-less and forced them to take refuge inside India. All these man-made disasters were played out throughout a 9-month war in 1971. We finally gave them a crushing defeat on 16 December 1971 and our beloved Bangladesh came into being as an independent and sovereign state in the world map. We are proud of the secular spirit that we earned through our glorious Liberation War in 1971. But that glorious spirit is now at stake staggeringly because of skullduggeries by Jamaat-e-BNP and their mango-twigs—both local and foreign.

It is well in the know that infrastructure megaprojects are crucial drivers for accelerating economic growth in a developing country like Bangladesh, where average GDP growth in the last eleven years (2008-2019) is nearly 7% per annum. Even before the ‘Agenda 2030’ was adopted, the present government in Bangladesh, under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, envisaged implementing a few more mega projects in Bangladesh to deliver the economic and social goods for millions of people in different parts of Bangladesh and to create the economic growth that will benefit the population.

Bangladesh's ability to spend money has increased even earlier. Ability to borrow and repay foreign loans has also increased. From villages to towns to cities to the urbanites—everywhere across the country, anyone will be contented to see so many completed as well as ongoing medium, large and mega infrastructure projects proceeding with full vigour to brighten the lot of all sections of people in the country. Thus, all these great works are transforming Bangladesh's economy with rapid movements under the present government, but those nyctalopic (night blind) people where all small, ill-designedly consider them only as darkness.

At least 300 classrooms of Dhaka University were damaged by those Jamaat-e-BNP - Shibir goons and their mango-twigs over the anti-quota movement under cloak-and-dagger to unseat the present government from power.

Most of the fire attacks and demolition were committed at the state establishments by those hellish creatures from 18-19 July 2024. All criminals and terrorists were set free breaking the Narsingdi Jail, Bangladesh Television headquarter at Rampura, Disaster Management Office, Setu Bhaban, Department of Health office and National Data Cable Centre at Mohakhali, Metro Rail, Elevated Expressway, BRTA offices, some regional offices of Dhaka North City Corporation, Passport Office in Narayanganj, Narayanganj City Corporation office, Rangpur Court, Department of Fisheries office in Rangpur, Gazipur City Corporation office, Gazipur DESCO office,  Narsingdi Zilla Parishad Bhaban, Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) offices, Gulshan DC Traffic office are torched state establishments, among others valued thousands of crores of takas.

These gangland killers and destroyers must be made liable to compensate the full number of financial losses to repair all those establishments. These anti-quota protesters must also take the responsibility of death of so many people and so many wounded people!

They are not Bangladesh. They are anti-Bangladesh. The suited time is now knocking at the door of the government. These feral and savage forces must be brought to the tight rope of justice tout de suite. It is also high time for the government to dismantle Jamaat-e-BNPs entire monstrous high command into very small pieces, scrap the citizenship, including all human rights - state benefits to these ferine people and their scions for three generations like Vietnam to keep Bangladesh calm and serene.

Perhaps the most striking assaults

The bacilli of the defeated forces could not be destroyed after Bangladesh’s Founding Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s killing intentionally and with premeditation on 15 August in 1975 by Khondokar Mushtaqu Ahmed and his camarilla and because of skullduggeries of depraved military rulers—Gen. Zia, Gen. Ershad and their compadre—Begum Zia for two decades or so. Unfortunately, they have infected, among so many people in the country.

BNP and JP, unlawful machinations, were born in the military bivouac on 1 September 1978 and on 1 January 1986, respectively, by profaned military dictators Gen Zia and Gen Ershad using government spy agencies and millions of monies from the government exchequer and both of them were self-proclaimed Presidents of Bangladesh. Deviating from what is considered moral, right, proper, or good, these reprobate personas, power-hungry men in nature, purposely reinstated the anti-liberation forces, especially Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and their ill chums in every sphere of circuits on the soil of Bangladesh. So, BNP, JP and JeI are unquestionably an anti-liberation forces in the country, they and their parties embody the defeated forces of our 1971 war.

Anti-Bangladesh liberation force- Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) is well-known and long-familiar both at home and abroad as a killing outfit of our millions of people in 1971 in league with Pakistan’s military junta. It is also a well-known for its worst war criminality in the annals of history. If we also hark-back the years of 2013 and 2014, we can clearly see the vivid pictures of the real violent world of BNP and JeI and how these two political outfits brought about terrible excruciations to our people in the country. We cannot and shall never forget the Talibani or ISIS style of brutalities they did thrust out to our innocent people during those times.

After all, the 1971 Holocaust would not have been so much successful had Jamaat-e-Islami goons not found their accomplices in Pakistan, CIA and American establishment. Transmitted down the generations, these patterns of thinking are now breaking the surface, still spreading fear and discriminatory or abusive behaviour towards members of other religions also. Hence, the eruption of nationalism came to the fore with its unfeigned power in Bangladesh against those discomfited forces and their mango-twigs of 1971.

Mooting about the Brobdingnagian development works completed under PM Sheikh Hasina’s government, all these defeated forces and their cronies are again coupled together and combat-ready to tweak with several fingernails to the bottle green national flag of Bangladesh with the red circle symbolising the rising sun and the sacrifice of lives in our freedom fight in 1971. Jamaat-e-Islami—deceit thy name is JeI—the wealthiest business establishment in Bangladesh is the hotshot master and is knotted with BNP led campers behind the screen with fat money.

In 1971, Pakistan’s military junta targeted our commemorative culture, raising their ugly secrets ever deeper underground, ruthlessly displaying a petty Pakistani nationalism and inciting enmity against the Bengalis, the majority populace of the-then ill-famed Pakistan.

As a matter of fact, BNP and its newfangled lieutenants, like some veteran freedom fighters and the likes of them have surrendered to the blood-stained mitts of the anti-liberation forces, Pakistan’s ISI, CIA of America and their quislings to give them more leverage at free will to do more impairment to Bangladesh and its people. All these sounds megascopic perfidiousness to the souls of millions of our people who consecrated their lives to attain Bangladesh in 1971. Their ill action mechanisms also bear witness to their utter assaultive-ness to the core gems or pearls on which Bangladesh was founded in 1971.

The defeated forces of 1971 want to rewrite history to slur over Bangladesh’s glorious Liberation War. It also suggests a willingness for them to reinterpret even the most sacred chapters of Bangladesh’s history. In the centre of a Russian inner sanctuary, the white-domed Hall of Glory, an enormous statue of a Soviet soldier stands with a sword at his feet; its sheath bears this inscription: “He who comes to us wielding a sword shall die by the sword” and our people want to echo the same words to those political parties and their newfangled sidekicks by giving them a crushing defeat in the upcoming days.

All anti-Bangladesh liberation forces under the obnoxious nexus of JeI, BNP, JP, ISI of Pakistan and CIA of America are engaged to foul-play at their hands only to damage Bangladesh and our people, serving their interests only, or they have fallen by choice to their plica. Keep in mind that JeI, the mass murderer, is the wealthiest business organisation in Bangladesh, which is financing almost all opposition political parties, in other words, all anti-Bangladesh liberation forces plus some senior veteran freedom fighters of 1971.

The stain that the freedom fighters have taken on their faces unashamedly can never be wiped out. When they die, they will have to die along with this rotten cicatrix on their faces.

Being tie-dyed with the defeated forces of our 1971 war, BNP and their mango-twigs have brooked as Prime Minister Hasina’s corpus rival in the country. BNP, originally an anti-Bangladesh liberation force, has now become knavishly the corpus political platform where all small political parties—from right to moderates to left – almost all have encamped with all ill intentions to over-throw the party in power.

The writer is a freedom fighter who writes on politics and international issues.
