Dhaka,  Tuesday
22 October 2024

Hiroshima to Gaza and the same power behind massacre

Published: 08:25, 20 October 2024

Hiroshima to Gaza and the same power behind massacre

Photo : Messenger

‘Nehan Hidankawo’, an anti-atomic arms organisation of Japan that worked on the people who were spared their lives from the bomb-attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War, has got Noble in peace this year. In reaction of award assistant chief of the organisation Toshuki Mimake has said, ‘The present condition of Gaza’s children is as like as Japan-children following the Second World War that was held 80 years ago’. He has also said, ‘Gaza is being red in blood by the present children like Japan’.

Israel has been throwing bombs in Gaza of Palestine, indiscriminately for more than one year. Though those bombs did not make massacre like atomic-bomb but it has outdone Hiroshima as the explosive. Israel threw more than 45 thousand missiles and bombs of those weights were more than 65 thousand tons in Gaza in the first 3 month while US threw 13 to 15 thousand tons explosive in Hiroshima.

United States is willing assisting Israel. The Brown Union Cost of War Project has informed that US has given military assistance of 17.9 billion dollars to Israel from 7 October of the last year. Besides, they have promoted of money for the arms and jet-fuel.

The Israel force is using MK-84 bomb of two thousand pounds continuously in the Gaza-expedition. This bomb that is made by US can destroy any building in the twinkling of an eye. Besides, it is able to kill the people those live in hundreds of meter area-wide in influence of this bomb. More than 42 thousand Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli attack in Gaza. According to UN’s report, more than 42 ton wreckages have been gathered in Gaza till now. Nearly 500 to 600 million US dollars will be expended to take aside these wreckages. The analysts have said that Israel is throwing those bombs in Gaza, of which some are made by US and others are making in assistance of money and technique. If we consider from that side, we see that US is responsible behind such indiscriminate massacre and havoc of Israel in Gaza who turned into hell, throwing bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Israel is not paying heed to urge of stopping war by the United Nations or different countries. They, in assistance of some influential countries including US have been killing and doing havoc in Gaza for one year. It can be mentioned that the Hamas, attacking sudden killed nearly one thousand armies and arrested innumerous Israeli people in Gaza that place was occupied by Israeli force. So, Israel attacked Gaza to take revenge of this massacre. They have killed more than 42 thousand people and ruined thousands of establishments. Though they did so much massacre but their envy of revenge is not coming down a little. Israel would like to ruin Gaza as well as Palestine. The neighboring countries those are paying speeches on behalf of Gaza or are coming forward to assist them even they are being victimized of attack by the Israeli force. Israel is killing and doing wear and tear in Gaza directing bomb-attack. They killed Hamas’s leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran who came to take part in the oath function of the Iran’s new President. Iran informed in sudden reaction that they would take revenge on Israel. At last Iran attacked Israel throwing hundreds of missiles. They threw 180 balistics in some Israel’s big cities. The Revolutionary Guard Force (IRGC) of the country has said that this attack is the reply of running massacre, air-raid in Lebanon and killing of Hamas and Hizbollah’s leaders. The IRGC is saying that the attack has been done basically in 3 military station of Israel. The Prime Minister of Israel has given threat of intense revenge informing a severe reaction for this incident. After that Iran has closed their sky-way.

Israel, after driving Gaza-massacre, has begun awful massacre in Lebanon. Nearly 4 lakh children have been homeless in this attack that is threat for the future of the country. In such situation the UN has warned that a generation can fall in drops of the country. Nearly 12 lakh people have been obliged to give up their houses due to attack of Israel in Lebanon.

Recently Israel has imposed sanction on UNO’s Secretary General in Israel-entrance. In protest of sanction 104 countries, including Europe and Africa’s countries, have signed in a letter. And US has said Israel that they would close the arms-supply if Israel cannot develop the human situation in Gaza within 30 days. That is to say, do develop Gaza and then again, do buy arms from them to destroy Gaza. This is the policy of US. In the Palestine issue US’s staying is always in double-faced. They would like to get recognition as a human country. But the world’s people know the news of their real aim.

Many countries of the world are cutting off their diplomatic-relation with Israel while they are not being restrained in threat-messages and blame of different countries. Nicaragua, a country of Middle-America has taken decision to cut off all diplomatic-relation with Israel following the way of Colombia and Bolivia those are neighboring countries of South America. The country has ensured this information in a government statement.

The Prime Minister of Spain, condemning to Israeli-attack on the UNO’s Peace-guard in Lebanon has urged to the world-community to stop arms-selling to this Jewish country. It can be mentioned that the Spain-armies are also working in Lebanon as the part of the Peace-guard Mission.

In spite of informing so much blame and taking strong step of different countries Israel’s attack is not stopping. The analysts mind that the duet policy of US is responsible for the massacre in the Middle-East. There is no reason of being astonished if such a big, powerful in atomic and democratic country of the world assists in people’s killing and dominates on other countries, because the past history of US is not pleasurable.

The writer is a columnist and retired deputy director of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
