Picture: Syeda Rashida Bari (Poet and Journalist)
Peaceful and stable conditions are prerequisites for economic development of a country. Without it, no country can earn economic prosperity. So we all should play our roles for creating that condition.
It may take anyone to any part of the world with citizenship status. Whatever their family statuses, is it good to make any negative comment about it? Is it judicious? There is no talk about politics here, here I am talking about only the importance of personal matters. You may understand politics well, but I do not understand it. I am talking about the importance of tolerance and harmony for the sake of building a peaceful society.
Whoever runs the country, everyone has to cooperate with them for the sake of the country’s interest. The guardian of the country, who will be in charge of running the country, will also have to understand the rights of all the people irrespective of politics, opinion, caste and creed.
Those who have taken the responsibility of running the country should treat all the citizens equally, paving the way for people to respect their guardian. Acting in this way can ensure the atmosphere of cooperation. Also it can ensure the overall welfare of the nation.
There should be no space for revenge at any level of our national and social life. Revenge is like disease. All concerned must sacrifice their personal matters for collective welfare. It should be remembered that a state can run well with the whole-hearted cooperation of all the people. If personal interest and revenge get preference over collective welfare, then it is bound to hamper peace in the country.
There will be peace and development if we all respect and cooperate with each other by showing tolerance and respect. If a dog bites a man, will the man bite the dog? The teachings of Islam and Ramadan do not allow it. In the religious teachings, hostility and unfriendly conducts are forbidden.
There are many teachings in Islam. We may succeed in religious matter by obeying those teachings by refraining from sinful acts. But forgiveness is a good act in religious teaching. I can forgive a man, help return a man to a beautiful way of life, return a man to the path of Almighty Allah. By doing all these things, we can get closer to Almighty Allah.
We should not waste our valuable time in this temporary world. We should properly utilize our valuable time during the holy month of Ramadan. May Almighty Allah accept the good works of all of us during this holy month.
We should honour Ramadan by refraining from evil acts. Let we all of us live by showing tolerance and respect to each other. There is a co-relation between peace and tolerance. We need to build a peaceful society, because peace is prerequisite for ensuring economic development in the country. On the other hand, peace is impossible without tolerance.
Let peace prevail in the country with all of us playing role by rising over all kinds of difference, so that all the people of our country can live peacefully.
Author: Poet and Journalist