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Everyone needs to avoid sedentary lifestyle to prevent stroke

Published: 08:18, 29 October 2023

Everyone needs to avoid sedentary lifestyle to prevent stroke

Photo : Messenger

The World Stroke Day, celebrated on October 29 annually, serves as a global initiative aimed at enhancing public awareness regarding stroke. In Bangladesh, as in many other countries worldwide, this significant day is observed with great enthusiasm. The theme for this year's World Stroke Day is "Prevention is Better than Cure."

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is abruptly interrupted, often due to the blockage or rupture of blood vessels. This interruption hampers the flow of blood, which carries vital oxygen and nutrients, leading to the death of brain tissues. Notably, high blood pressure stands as the primary contributing factor to strokes. It is imperative to acknowledge that stroke ranks as the third leading cause of death on a global scale.

Preventing stroke is crucial, and one key aspect is recognizing the symptoms promptly. Delay in seeking treatment often occurs due to a lack of awareness about these symptoms. They can be conveniently remembered with the acronym "FAST," where:

F stands for Face: Look for facial contortions.

A stands for Arm: Check for weakness or paralysis in one arm.

S stands for Speech: Observe slurred or halted speech.

T stands for Time: Act swiftly; get to the hospital without delay. It's important to identify in advance which hospitals are well-equipped for stroke treatment.

It's essential to note that stroke ranks as the third leading cause of death worldwide. Raising awareness about these symptoms and the importance of immediate action can potentially save lives.

There are two types of stroke. Bleeding in the brain due to occlusion of blood vessels and rupture of blood vessels. The symptoms of stroke are balance problems, slurred speech, sudden loss of vision, dizziness, unconsciousness, paralysis on one side of the body, etc. 50 percent of stroke patients are paralyzed and for a long time people thought that stroke only affects the elderly. of individuals. But that perception has now changed. The number of strokes among young people has increased during the corona. At the same time, death due to this disease has also increased. According to the World Health Organization, stroke ranks second only to heart disease in terms of mortality among non-communicable diseases and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. About one and a half million people suffer from stroke every year. Of whom nearly half a million die and nearly half a million are crippled for life.

This data shows how deadly a stroke is. One in four people will have a stroke at some point in their lives. The risk of stroke is much higher in low-income countries than in the developed world. This risk is constantly increasing. It is expected to increase to 80 percent by 2050. In 2013, approximately 6.9 million people had hemorrhagic strokes and 3.4 million people had hemorrhagic strokes. In 2015, there were approximately 42.4 million people who had a previous stroke and were still aliveBetween 1990 and 2010, the number of stroke patients decreased by 10% in the developed world and increased by 10% in the developing world.In 2015, stroke was the second leading cause of death after coronary artery disease. That year, 6.3 million people died of stroke, which is about 11% of all deaths. About 3 million deaths were due to hemorrhagic stroke while 3.3 million died of hemorrhagic stroke. About half of all people who have a stroke live less than a year. Overall, about two-thirds of stroke patients were over the age of 65.

A 2017 study found that about 11.39 out of every 1,000 people in Bangladesh have a stroke, with a higher proportion of people over 60 and almost twice as many men as women. Most of the patients had high blood pressure or diabetes or heart disease or were smokers, alcohol or other tobacco users. However, all these factors can be controlled. According to a 2018 survey, 11.39 people are currently suffering from stroke per thousand in the country. There are about 2 million stroke patients in Bangladesh. The risk of stroke is 7 times higher in people over 60 years of age. Men are twice as likely to be affected than women. The incidence of stroke is slightly higher in villages than in cities. The number of deaths due to stroke is constantly increasing in the country. The number of stroke deaths has doubled in one year. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) data, 45 thousand 502 people died due to stroke in 2019. Which increased to 85 thousand 360 people in 2020.

And by looking at some early symptoms of stroke, we can imagine whether a person has had a stroke or not. For example, sudden paralysis of one side of one's body or face twisting or slurred speech are the main symptoms of stroke. Sometimes a severe headache, which has never happened before, dizziness or fainting can also be one of the symptoms of a stroke. If such symptoms are seen in anyone, then he should be taken to the hospital immediately. Because, if they come within the first four and a half hours, it is possible to cure them with special treatment. But over time, brain cells can be permanently damaged. The result can be lifelong paralysis and even death of the patient. So far, modern stroke treatment has been largely capital-centric, but concerted efforts and public awareness are needed to bring marginalized populations under medical care.


Among the non-communicable diseases worldwide, stroke ranks second only to heart disease in terms of death. Also, stroke is one of the major causes of disability. Day by day, the number of people affected by it is increasing. According to the World Health Organization, the risk of stroke in low-income countries is much higher than in the developed world.

According to a recent study, the population of Bangladesh is estimated to be 170 million, then 11 out of every 1,000 people suffer from stroke. And the biggest cause of suffering from it is high blood pressure.

> There are several reasons that can cause a stroke, they are:

- If the amount of cholesterol in the blood is higher than normal.

- If high blood pressure, diabetes is uncontrolled. If you have heart disease.

- If you have mental problems like stress, excess tension, depression.

- If you sit all day long, if you do not exercise, if you gain abnormal weight.

- Unhealthy uncontrolled eating habits. Eating fried foods and drinks, especially those with excess oil and sugar.

- Smoking, using tobacco or other drugs, drinking alcohol.

It is possible to completely overcome the risk of stroke by adopting a regular healthy lifestyle.
> Urgent signs of stroke

* One side of the face is drooping or paralyzed.

* If the arm of one of the two hands is weak or paralyzed or if one arm is drooping.

* If there is inertia in words.

If any of these occur, see a doctor immediately.

> Other symptoms

* Paralysis Paralysis or weakness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body

* Slurred speech, difficulty understanding

* Difficulty seeing in one eye

* Difficulty walking or lightheadedness

* Severe headache without reason

> There are two types of stroke

_ Ischemic stroke: In this type of stroke, blood flow is obstructed by the accumulation of clots or blood clots in the blood vessels. Then the blood flow to the brain stops. 87 percent of strokes are ischemic strokes.

_ Hemorrhagic stroke: This type of stroke can occur when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is weakened and ruptures or bleeds. Its main cause is high blood pressure.

Apart from this, there are many mini strokes

the time It is scientifically called transient ischemic attack. It temporarily stops blood flow to the brain.

> Some home remedies to stay free from stroke:-

- Keeping high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol under control.

- Adhering to a nutritious diet avoiding excess oil-fat and sugar-salt foods, fried food, fast food.

- Avoid smoking, tobacco, drug consumption, alcohol consumption.

- 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day.

Exercise or regular physical activity. Maintain weight.

- Health check every six months.

> Homeo Remedies:-

Samuel Hahnemann's method of treatment is called Homeopathy. Any drug that causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure a patient with acute symptoms. That is, through the disease-causing power of the medicine lies the healing power. Samuel Hahnemann thought so and invented homeopathy. And the effectiveness of homeopathic medicine in stroke has been proved beyond doubt since ancient times. Among all the medicines that are used in stroke, Arnicamont, Gelsium, Causticum, Acid Hydrocyanic, Hyosium, Lacases, Lycopodium, Opium and many other medicines can come on the symptoms.

> Finally, to stay free from stroke, you should do regular exercise, morning and afternoon walks and avoid a lazy lifestyle. Try to be free from anxiety or tension. Regular religious practice plays a helpful role in this regard and stroke is definitely a preventable disease. Once infected, treatment is very complex, expensive and difficult. The affected patient himself becomes mentally and physically disturbed, often becoming a burden to the family. Prevention is therefore the best. Concerted initiative and public awareness are needed to bring marginalized people under medical care.

The writer is columnist and researcher
