Dhaka,  Tuesday
17 September 2024

Managing sacrificial animal market challenge this time

Ahmed Shahed, Dhaka

Published: 07:50, 13 June 2024

Update: 08:06, 13 June 2024

Managing sacrificial animal market challenge this time

Photo: Messenger

On the occasion of the upcoming holy Eid-ul-Azha, 4 thousand animal markets will sit across the country. Among these markets, the government has leased 217 temporary livestock markets along various highways. The government also saying animal markets cannot be set up next to roads and highways. Besides, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has issued a stern warning that disciplinary action will be taken through mobile court if normal traffic is disrupted due to animal market.

The concerned ministry has instructed that the name of the destination or the market in which the animals will be transported should be written on the front of the car. So that the car cannot stand in any place other than the specified place. Basically, the government has taken these initiatives to bring order to the market of sacrificial animals.

It has been reported that this time the sacrificial animal market will be held at 20 places in the capital. Among them, 11 temporary animal haats (market) will be set up in Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) area, and 9 temporary animal haats will be set up in North City Corporation (DNCC) area. Apart from this, sacrificial animals will be bought and sold in these two permanent markets, Gabtali of Dhaka North City Corporation and Sarulia of Dhaka South City Corporation.

All in all, before the Kurbani Eid, there is an extreme busyness centered around animal markets in the capital. Various animals including cows and goats from different parts of the country are brought for sale in the haats of the capital. Animal markets become resounded with the presence of buyers and sellers. Every year various complications have seen in these bazaars related to housing, security and sewage system.

Although the government says, this time there will be no mismanagement in the market of sacrificial animals. There will be no traffic jam on the road too. And so the common people will not have to suffer.

However, related traders and experts say that managing the animal market will be a difficult challenge this time. Because there is lack of coordination between different organizations.
They also said that it is better if the sacrificial animal market head outside Dhaka city. Then most of the mismanagement will be eliminated automatically. Mismanagement means there are some problems like keeping cattle carts and keeping cows, traffic jams due to non-compliance of government guidelines on transportation, stench due to non-removal of daily wastes along with pickpockets. Along with that, it is important to increase the activity of the law and order forces.

Traders who brought sacrificial animals to Gabtali Market said that money has to be paid periodically to different sectors for the transportation of animals brought from different parts of the country to be sold in the capital's Animal Market. Besides, if the lease price increases on it, the lessees also increase the fee. Businessmen do not pay these extra money from their own pockets. They increase the price of animals and collect extra money.

A trader named Mokhles Bepari, who came to Gabtali's animal market, said that mosquitoes are the biggest problem in all the markets in the capital. Last time I tried to repel mosquitoes by burning straw. There is no toilet facility too. Now let's see what the haat authorities will do this time. Its become difficult for both cows and humans to survive from mosquitoes. Morever, there is no system for fan to stay cool during extreme heat. Not only the traffic congestion on the road should be resolved, but the problems inside the market should also be looked at.

Meanwhile, in view of the upcoming Kurbani, the road department has issued a strict warning to maintain law and order situation on the road. It has been seen in the past that livestock markets have caused severe traffic jams at places on highways in the capital. Therefore, the Roads and Highways Department has given instructions not to set up these animal stalls on the side of the highway to make the journey of passengers safe and smooth. The organization says that setting up animal stalls on highways creates uncontrollable traffic jams.

Passengers returning home on Eid face severe traffic jams due to animal carrying vehicles stopping everywhere to pick up and drop animals and sell them. It has also been decided to give priority to sacrificial animal vehicles to cross and to keep ETC booths open round the clock at the toll plaza to avoid inconvenience. Instructions have also been given to use banners in front of vehicles transporting goods and animals along with not carrying passengers. 

Sources says that at around 4,407 animal markets will be set up across the country, including city corporations and metropolitan districts. They will not be able to bring down any animal in the animal market on the road, they will not be able to stand on the road too. There is a designated place for them, where they will bring down the animals. The highway police will work in coordination with the district police to decongest the roads and highways and urban areas during Eid ul adha. Drones will be used to ease traffic congestion. The government will use modern technology to ease traffic congestion along with increasing CCTV cameras on highways.

Besides, measures will be taken to identify the cause through watch towers in traffic-prone areas. Police will use speed gun to control excessive speed of vehicles on the highway to prevent accidents. Police said that legal action will be taken immediately against over speeding vehicles.
Instructions of law enforcement agencies

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police has given several instructions to the law enforcement agencies in the matter of bringing and taking away cattle and animals. The organization says that organizers should sit down with the related organizers regarding the sale of sacrificial animals, and make it clear to them that no animal should be kept within an inch of the designated area. If necessary, the designated area for the market should be surrounded with bamboo. For security, CCTV cameras should be installed in the markets. There should also be proper planning and preparation to prevent the slaughter of sacrificial animals everywhere.

Also, animal stalls will not be allowed on any road. Trucks loaded with sacrificial animals cannot be parked on the road and unloaded. Strict legal action will be taken against those who disturb the traffic system. Apart from this, installation of night-capable CCTVs in the markets, taking no more than the rate fixed by the City Corporation and the list of the prescribed numbers should be displayed on a large banner in public places, provision of generators in the animal markets, watch towers in the animal markets, recruitment of sufficient number of volunteers, forcefully DMP has also given some instructions not to bring sacrificial animals to market.

Meanwhile, on the occasion of the upcoming holy Eid-ul-Adha, Bangladesh Railways has decided to operate Cattle Special Trains to transport sacrificial animals. So that there is not too much pressure on the road. Cattle Special Train 1 and 2 will be operated from June 12 to 14 for the purpose of transporting sacrificial animals in the western region. Cattle Special Trains 1 and 2 will be operated on June 12 and Cattle Special Train 1 on June 13 in eastern region.

“We have completed all our preparations to make the Eid trip safe. I hope this Eid trip will be safe”. Bangladesh Railway Director General Sardar Shahadat Ali said that. He also said that, “separate monitoring cells have been formed in divisional and zonal control to ensure safe and orderly operation of trains and to ensure punctuality in providing passenger services”.

On the other hand, the Department of Livestock has launched a hot line number to provide special security to buyers and sellers in animal markets. If any kind of problem it is suggested to call the emergency hotline number and remedial action will be taken, said the authorities. In this case, a control room (Hotline-16358) will be operational in the Directorate of Livestock.

A request will be made to the concerned authorities to ensure that there is no harm to traffic on the highway or where the stalls are set up. Priority will be given to vehicles carrying sacrificial animals on roads or bridges, so that no artificial crisis is created by trapping animals on the road. If there is any problem in the animal market, call the hotline number and remedial action will be taken.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has decided to appoint 1000 medical teams at animal markets at the district and upazila levels of the country along with all city corporations to test the body of sacrificial animals for harmful substances. According to sources, there will be 1000 veterinary medical teams at cow markets at the district and upazila levels of the country, including all city corporations. Each team will consist of a veterinarian and two assistants. The veterinary team will be stationed at a booth with medical equipment at the market. If they find any sick animal with harmful substances in the animal's body, they will identify it and cure it with treatment. The medical teams will stay at the animal market for three days until the day before Eid al-Adha. There will be a medical team at an important market at the upazila level.
Counterfeit Countermeasures

The activities of counterfeiting gangs increased around the country centered around the Kurbani animal market. Bangladesh Bank instructs the scheduled banks to set up booths to prevent the activities of that dishonest circle. Sources say that the booths are set up and the animal traders are provided with note verification services non-stop from the opening day of the market till the night before Eid. There are also instructions to take action if counterfeit notes are found during note verification at the booth. Officials of various banks perform their duties in the approved animal markets of municipalities and police stations outside Dhaka.

According to the sources of Dhaka North and South City Corporation, there will be 24-hour banking facilities at animal haat this time. There will be a booth to detect fake money. This time, animals can be sold through credit card. Earnings can also be paid online. This year, animals will be sold for 60 thousand crore taka and 2.5 million animals will be sacrificed.

